Page 31 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
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So he asked Jim for the financials.  dispute, etc., the very first set of  estate conferences  throughout
        He  noticed  that  Jim  had  taken  documents  any  judge,  revenue  the  country.  Scott has  had  the
        advantage of over $250,000  in  agent or arbitrator would look at  pleasure of accompanying some
        corporate deductions  over the  are the Minutes and Resolutions.  of the industry’s biggest names on
        course of the three year audit, but  They do this to determine  stage.
        because Jim hadn’t  treated the  whether  you have been  treating
        entity as a separate corporation,  the company completely separate  Scott  is an incalculable  asset  of
        and instead as more of what would  or simply just an alter ego of the  wisdom, patience and experience.
        be considered “Alter-ego”. He was  you, the principals. If there are  He  has the  unique  gift  of  being
        not entitled to these deductions  no Minutes or Resolutions which  able to get inside a project at its
        as a sole proprietor. His penalty  gives  the  company  substance,  inception,  think  out from within
        was to pay the taxes on the $250k  the company will be set aside  the vision and objectives of the
        and was penalized to the tune of  essentially  the  piercing  of  the  Founder(s), and  see miles ahead
        45%.  He  is  now  a  client  of  mine  corporate veil, and all liability will  of what anyone could  possibly
        and  is in  full compliance. You  fall through to the shareholders,  see when  just starting. He  is,
        see, the government, courts, IRS,  where  personal  assets can  now  connect the dots  fast, asks the
        etc. allow us as business owners  be  affected  by  liability  against  right  questions  and  heads  off
        to  reconstruct  documentation  the business. I cannot stress any  problems before  they arise. Most
        based upon recollection. This  more, about  the  importance  of  of all, he leads from a genuine
        does not mean we are back dating  corporate formalities.                  passion for helping  companies
        documents.  Back dating  is 100%                                          succeed,  specifically  to  be  in  full
        illegal, however, reconstruction is  Don’t freak out! There is a solution!  compliance  and  stay on top of
        fully admissible.                    My  firm  Controllers,  Ltd,  can  complex legalities at every step.
                                             help you reconstruct the Minutes
        With  all that being  said,  the  & Resolutions to bring your  Instilled             with   these   insights
        definition of a Corporation/LLC is:  company  back  into  compliance,  and understandings,  he and
        it’s an artificial person created by  with  our  Interactive Business  his  business partner founded
        law. It can do anything you want  Guide® platform.                        Controllers, Ltd. which is a CFO &
        it to do but think  and speak for                                         Strategic  Planning  firm  in  Reno,
        itself. This means that you, the  Give  us  a  call  today  at  866-786-  Nevada.
        Shareholder, must keep Minutes  3462  or send  us  an  email to:
        & Resolutions which is essentially  We
        giving  the company the voice  look forward to speaking  with
        and thought process, not only to  you!
        defend  itself, but  also to defend
        its owners. Minutes & Resolutions
        are required by law. Now, I know  Over the last 22 years, Scott
        a lot of people  will  tell you  that  L. Arden, was the Senior Asset
        an LLC does not have to have  Protection  & Estate Planning
        Minutes or Resolutions.              Specialist with a leading national
                                             asset  protection  firm.  He  has
        This   is   absolutely   incorrect!  advised thousands of business
        Minutes  &  Resolutions  are what  owners, sole proprietors, and
        proves that you and the company  investors directly, one-on-one.
        are complete separate. If anyone
        tells you this about an LLC, they  He has also been able to help tens
        are misinforming  you. Should  of thousands of business owners
        the company ever be challenged  as a speaker and  coach  at many
        in  a lawsuit,  audit,  contract  business development & real

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