Page 27 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
P. 27

What Is Health And Wellness?

                                                                       -by Kimberly Miner - Juday

                                               What is health and wellness?
        The definition that I found is truly to the point. “Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and
        making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life.” Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a
        dynamic process of change and growth: It’s “...a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-be-
        ing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.””
        My goal was to build  a business  have allowed myself to crumble.  could all accomplish if we just got
        that  would  be  empower  people  Believe me, there were times that  out of our own way?!
        to get out of their own way, take  I wanted to. My friends and family
        the  junk  out,  and  put  healthy  probably would have understood,       You  can  find  me  each  day  @
        back in.  At  Wholistic  Living,  but  what  would  that accomplish       2:00pm  (MST)  live  streamed
        Health  &  Wellness,  each  day  for myself? What examples would          through Facebook and YouTube –
        we  have  a  podcast  focusing  I be setting for my children?             and it’s available on audio  through
        on  the  strategies, checklists,  That’s not who I want to be. I have     Anchor    FM,    Spotify,  iTunes,
        resources,    and    methods     to  always chosen  optimism as my        and  Google.   You  can connect
        guide  you  through  your  journey  way to come back, and you can,        with Wholistic Living, Health
        and  struggles. We also provide  too. Together we can learn to stay       & Wellness website at www.
        support     groups,    workshops,    afloat no matter what storms are,  or through
        and     events    to   encourage,    amidst.                    
        motivate, and empower you to                                              I  look  forward  to  meeting  or
        take  charge  of  your  journey  and   It is by reexamining  our life     hearing from each of you.
        make any necessary changes in        experiences that I can absolutely
        your  personal  and/or  business     teach  you  the  journey  of  being
        life.  No  one  can  implement  or   on a better and more productive      Kimberly Miner – Juday has spent
        make decisions for you that will     path  of  health  and  wellness.  My   25 years in sales and speaking
        ultimately give you the power to     hope is that by speaking out and     publicly  to help  educate others
        be in charge of your own destiny.    putting  my voice out  into  the     in the packaging industry.  It was
                                             world, I can help someone be
        My goal is to help  you feel  where they want to be, even if it is        through the  years of  presenting
        amazing.  Achieving  health  and  just one person at a time. If I can     and  training  that I  realized  my
        wellness  is  a  personal  journey  give you the courage stop in your     love for teaching others.  But it has
        for  all  of  us.  This  journey,  which  tracks and discover the courage to   been through my personal battles
        is always one filled with many ups  finally make  that  change in  your   of surviving  and  dealing  with
        and numerous downs, can affect  life for the better, then I know I’ve     the results of a domestic abuse
        your mental health and wellness.  made the world a better place for       marriage (PTSD), personal battle
        Together we can learn how to re-     my children.                         of an eating disorder, and survivor
        orient and stay on the path of our                                        of  3  pulmonary embolisms (at
        journey, no matter how perilous it   Please  join  me  in  my  podcast,  once) that I have learned the
        may seem.                            public  speaking, support groups,  journey  of  being  on  a  better and
                                             and  learn-shops.  Let  me  help  more productive  path  of  Health
        In my youth and through my early  to  educate  you  on  the  choices  and wellness.
        adulthood,  I was a ballet dancer  of  better  health  eating,  lifestyle,
        and it was my whole world. When  exercise, dealing with your stress,  I know that I can help others find
        the day came that I was no longer  and being in control of your life.  a way to go through their journeys
        able to dance, I was left with an  All of these can have an effect on  and  find  a  way  to  reach  their
        empty space and  I struggled  to  your health and wellness. I hope  health and wellness goals.
        find a way to fill that void. I could  to talk to you.  Imagine what we
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