Page 23 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
P. 23

By using  the solution,  Cohen  the process is long,  other times  Barry  and Catherine both had
        Coaching, they will come out with  the  conversion  is  quick.  But  the  parents who created successful
        a funnel  that  brings  in  the  right  rules of the game are always the  companies     together.   Working
        prospects, leads them through a  same. Understand their pain,  together and working with others
        system that builds  trust, and to  address their needs. Do not go  to help their businesses grow is in
        a purchase decision. Stay away  into a meeting with the intention  their DNA.
        from  explaining  how  you  do  of selling. Go in with the intention
        things.  No one cares. They only  of letting  your prospect know  Catherine is the co-founder  of
        care what will happen as a result  who  you  are. Show  them you  Cohen  Coaching.  A  more creative
        of buying  your product or using  understand  their pain. Poke the  force, Catherine is the ideas
        your service. Results matter!        bruise, but don’t pour salt on the  person. Ideas and  inspiration
                                             wound!  Let them know  that by  seem to just come to her.  Her
        The  last  piece  of  the  funnel  is  a  working with you, the end result  specialty is taking a client’s talent,
        system for following up. After all,  will be exactly what they need.      experience, desire, and skills, and
        how many times do we meet the                                             reworking them into new offerings,
        perfect, potential client, call once,  What  does  it  take  to  build  your  laying out the groundwork to get a
        maybe send an email, and  then  business?  Customers. Clients.  new business started, or creating
        drop  it? That’s  no  way  to  turn  a  People  who  will  give  you  money  a path of growth  and renewal.
        prospect into a client. Think about  for your product or service. When  Catherine enjoys crafting solutions
        it – you didn’t do that when you  you  create a funnel,  create a  that make  sense  to each client’s
        met the  person  of your  dreams.  system to attract  prospects and  unique situation.
        Your prospect is the  person of  moves them through  a nurture
        your business dreams! Follow  and  follow  up  sequence,  you  Barry  is the other co-founder of
        up  is a vital step most people  can convert more prospects into  Cohen Coaching. A more technical
        miss. In fact, you are probably  clients.                                 thinker  with a 30-plus  years of
        leaving  thousands,  if not  tens of                                      experience in computers, Barry is
        thousands, of dollars on the table  Not sure what’s missing in your  the systems guy. Whether it’s the
        because you don’t have a clear,  funnel? Let’s get on a call together  systems  on the computers or the
        concise follow up system.            to  dig  deep  and  find  out  where  systems that run the business, it’s
                                             your funnel  may really be more  all about order and organization.
        The funnel is a lot like  a kitchen  like a colander. Go to https://www.  He is a passionate  researcher,
        funnel.  Everything  goes into  the  able to find answers and resources
        top in order to come out the  and  choose  Income  Acceleration  to almost everything.  Barry is a
        bottom into the vessel you want  Session.                                 speaker on topics ranging from
        it to go in to. But unlike a kitchen                                      computers    to   podcasting    to
        funnel, there are steps along the                                         business  strategies to working
        way. Once you have attracted the                                          with  your spouse. He  actively
        right  prospect into  the  top,  you                                      consults  with  clients  to  offer
        must educate and nurture them                                             business solutions that bring them
        through  a process. Sometimes                                             from flailing to thriving.

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