Page 22 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
P. 22
Keeping Your Funnel Full
Barry & Catherine Cohen
Cohen Coaching
Attract YOUR Ideal Client
What does it take to build your business? There are as many answers as there are coaches, gurus, and
consultants. But there is one thing, without which, you have no business. Customers. Clients. People
who will give you money for your product or service.
To ignite your success, to bring For example, our avatar is a you do to attract prospects.
your business to a level you solopreneur. She is a woman Networking, ads, speaking, social
consider successful, you need named Susan, 48, with 2 teens at media, mailers, calling, and emails
clients. But before that, you need home and a sophomore in college. are all the top of the funnel. The
to have a system in place. You Susan is an acupuncturist. Susan trick is to know where your target
need to have all the puzzle pieces is divorced and in a long-term market hangs out and how to
together, so you know, step-by- relationship with Steve. They live speak to them.
step, exactly what to do next together.
to attract your ideal prospect. To figure out where your target
And then, you need to turn that We actually have several market hangs out, look to your
prospect into a client. paragraphs about Susan, what avatar. Wherever your imaginary,
she likes, what she doesn’t perfect client is, that is where you
Start with your ideal client. like. But most importantly, as a will find your target market, with
“Anyone and everyone” is business owner, we have a list of a few exceptions.
not an ideal client or a target Susan’s pain points. Developing
market. While you may believe an avatar, a representation of all There you are, in a room full of
your product or service is for our clients, helps us create our your target market. Now what?
everyone, it really isn’t. You need target market. You need to be compelling. You
to narrow down and first create need a message that speaks to
an ideal client or avatar. The Your avatar is NOT the only person them specifically. What do they
ideal client is like an imaginary you are looking for as a prospect. want to hear? They want to know
friend. You create an ideal client Your avatar is a guideline to help that you understand the pain they
profile, also known as an avatar, you create a funnel that actually are in. They want to know you
in order to keep your marketing, works. For example, even though understand what it is that keeps
message, and branding on our avatar is a woman, our clients them up at night.
point. If you would like some are both men and women. From
help creating your avatar, go to our avatar, we were able to create When you poke at the bruise and and a target market. And the target highlight the pain, you let them
download the worksheet. market is who we want to put into
the top of the funnel. know you have the solution. If
When you know your avatar, you the pain is not enough prospects,
can create your target market. The top of the funnel is the things not enough business, Cohen
Coaching is the solution.