Page 21 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
P. 21

Why It Is Not So Important That

                                                        People Know, Like And Trust You

                                                                                 -by Stephen Chandler

        Many teachings provide us with information about how to develop professional relationships with our
        potential clients by getting to know them slowly over time. This allows us to establish liking, knowing,
        and trusting. This works when you have enough capital to carry yourself through the lean times while
        building your business at a later date.

        The challenge  is that most sales  solution is what satisfies them.      lastly  are they  giving  you  new
        professionals  don’t  have  enough                                       information or are they pulling
        capital to sustain themselves for  Third, we need to know our value  stuff of the internet?
        six months or more.                  both  as a human  being as well
                                             as a  professional.  So,  how  do  Stephen Chandler has been a
        So the real question is, if we don’t  we start to define our value? It is  long time believer in the power
        want to wait to build relationships  built on relationships, what we  of persuasion. His attraction to
        with your prospects, how do we  learned from our relationships  sales came  on  early in  life  when
        do it more quickly  and make a  not the story is you remember it.  he discovered that he could create
        lot  of  money? The  easiest way  Understand  what  money means  something  amazing  and  find  a
        to grow your  business  more  to you,                                    market that would need it.
        quickly is to develop professional
        relationship with your brand new  What is greed? What is fair? Why  Stephen has started two successful
        client and develop everything else  do I need it? How much do I give  business’ with no money at all. The
        over time. Work with them while  away? Once we decide what and  first  one  was  established  in  1992
        getting to know them!                why money matters, we on taking  called Diligent Graphics a graphic
                                             our first step.                     design company that specialized in
        The answer is three- fold.                                               increasing  sales  and  profitability
                                             This is a quick  overview of what  for all of his clients. He made his
        First, you need to know what  it takes to be an excellent sales  first  million  dollars  at  the  age  of
        your  primary  objective  is  (i.e.  to  person.  Take  the  first  step  and  44.
        set  an  appointment).  We  don’t  don’t  be afraid  to be wrong  and
        sell  ourselves  during  the  first  you  will  find  the  approach  that  Stephen also started  Perceptual
        conversation. Nobody  wants to  works for you.                           Sales Coaching as a part of Diligent
        be sold the minute you open your                                         Graphics in 1994.  His program  is
        mouth.                               If you don’t already have an  simple,  find  your  own  voice,  be
                                             excellent  sales  coach  find  one  authentic and always do the next
        Second,  we need  to know how  that you connect with  on a  right thing  and  you can  make as
        to relate with  the  prospect. (i.e.  professional level.                much money as you need.
        understand their underlying NEED
        which could be to be a priority, to  What  to  look  for  when  finding  If you are interested in knowing
        be understood, to have a purpose,  your  sales coach is experience  more about what Stephen can do
        to feel safe, or to give and receive  with owning their own company,  for you, please call him at 602 540
        love  and  satisfy  that  need)  The  having  success  financially,  the  3997
        need is what motivates them, the  more they earned the better and

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