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Why Storytelling and
Marketing Go Hand in Hand
-by Becky Norwood
“Those who tell the stories rule the world.”
-Hopi American Indian proverb
Storytelling is universal and has existed since the beginning of human history. Yet in business, we of-
ten forget to tell our stories. This is a shame because stories are one of the best ways to connect with
customers and encourage them to take action. In business, we often focus on objective data, facts and
figures, product features, charts, technology, and engagement through social media. However, story-
telling reaches people on an emotional level. Stories communicate to the listener exactly what you do
and what you stand for. Therefore, it’s essential to craft compelling stories, both about yourself and
your business.
Why We Love Stories whose article you’re now reading. You can take any kind of content
This is an arousing story that that may be slightly dry or dull
The human mind simply loves follows the classic conflict-to- and weave it together with a story
stories. Stories make a company resolution plot arc. to make it much more interesting,
or person relatable. Just like the one that others can relate to. This
characters in a book, we see Consider the example of a social is why we love TED Talks so much.
ourselves in certain aspects of worker starting a fundraising TED Talks often present very
the story’s characters. We identify organization. Social work is hard, difficult or technical information,
and empathize with them. For a and as she begins to grow into her but it’s put together with the
business, this breaks down the role, it all seems like too much for personal story of the presenter to
barrier between company and her. Then, one night as she was give it life.
customer. walking home from work, she has
a breakthrough. She encounters Each of us is natural storytellers
For example, we love rags-to- a homeless woman asking for at heart, but often it’s difficult to
riches stories. There are many money, and it hits her. She discover stories that will help our
websites or businesses that tell discovers that it truly is her calling businesses build relationships,
this classic story. The owner was and she needs to do whatever she stir emotions, and engage our
down and out, all of the odds were can to help those in need. This customers.
against them, they didn’t know story is what will help her raise
what to do, and were nearing money for her fundraiser. As we take the idea of using
rock-bottom when inspiration storytelling to create connections
came knocking. This spark of an Stories also work well because and attract clients to our
idea led to founding the business they’re interesting and engaging. businesses a bit further,