Page 11 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
P. 11
Find Your Voice: Why Speaking Is Important
For Your Business -by Don McGrath and Jim Grant
Many studies suggest that we fear public speaking more than death! So, why do we feel that public
speaking is important for you to grow your business?
Let’s start with what we mean by Inspiration and motivation are of a couple hours? That is why
public speaking. When people fleeting feelings. What we want speaking is such a powerful tool
hear the term “public speaking” is for you to move people to for you in growing your business.
they often think of speaking to action…life changing action. That It is incredibly time efficient.
a stadium full of people like Les action may be to come talk to you
Brown or Tony Robbins might do. to find out more about what you When done properly, it is possible
We’ve all seen it. It looks amazing, do, or it may be to take you up on to attract many clients in just a
but that’s a form of public speaking a complementary gift. Whatever couple hours through speaking.
that most of us will never achieve. it be, your goal is to move people So, what do we mean when we say
to take an action that has them when done properly? It turns out
So, what we are talking about. engage with you in a more that through years of training and
When we talk about public meaningful way, so that you can years of trial and error Jim Grant
speaking, we are talking about help them in a greater way. and Don McGrath, co-founders
any time you speak to a group of Speakers Pathway Coalition,
of people, whether it be at a You might be asking why you have figured out how to help
networking group, a workshop, a should speak rather than connect others craft messages that move
video on your website, on a radio with people in some other way? people to action, and now they
show, or any other place. We are Well, how long would it take you to teach entrepreneurs how to use
talking about any opportunity meet with 100 people and have a speaking to grow their business.
that you have to address more conversation to convey what you
than one other person and move do and how you can help them? Jim and Don have worked with
them to ACTION. My guess is that by the time you hundreds of speakers who tell
account for everything involved, them, “I have a great story.” The
That’s another thing. We are you would spend hundreds of problem is that people don’t care
not talking about your ability to hours doing this. But what if you about your story, no matter how
inspire people or motivate people. could do this all in the space sad or powerful it is.