Page 10 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
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So how does someone become  affiliate marketing, Joint Ventures,
        self-aware,     leverage      their  strategic partnerships.
        strengths and counterbalance
        their weaknesses? It can be easier  Your customers are out there,
        than you think and yet still far too  they are declaring their problems
        uncommon.                            on  social media  and  you  simply
                                             need to get on their radar
        There are three fundamentals and  and  solve  their  problems.  It  is
        all of them fall under the category  true that  technology  can  be
        of  support.  Creating,  accepting,  overwhelming, but again that
        and giving support.                  is where strategic support can
                                             make  all  the  difference  in  the  entrepreneurship,  it is going  to
        Three Fundamentals for               world. This is an ideal topic to  get worse before it gets better. Do
        Entrepreneurship Success             lean into your community or rely  not let unrealistic expectations set
                                             on the experience of your mentor  you up for failure. Yes, it can be
        Community: Entrepreneurship is  or coach.                                 tough but there is a way through.
        lonely and we all need a tribe of                                         Obtain support before you need
        people  who  get  and  understand    While  creating  support  through    it and don’t  be afraid to ask for
        what we are building, as well as the   community,     mentors,     and    help.
        trials and tribulations of pursuing   technology  are no  guarantees
        our dreams. In  that community,      that your entrepreneurial venture    Jay Fiset is a best selling author,
        there must be people who are         will succeed, it does stack the      student of  human  nature,  avid
        ahead  of  you  who  are willing  to   odds in your favor in a way that   outdoorsman  at 5  star hotels,
        support  you  and  people  behind    makes doing  it alone seem…          speaks  fluent  smart  ass,  can  see
        you that you give a helping hand     frankly crazy!                       and  reflect  your  life  mission  in  5
        to. This is a vital component and it   So where do you look for the kind   minutes  flat,  loves  having  2  sons
        creates real relationships                                                so he can play with their toys, still
                                             of  community  that is  right  for   fantasizes about his wife after 30
                                             you? There are many of them, but
        Mentorship & Training: In addition   a few examples include:              years, loves ideas, but loves results
        to peers, we also MUST have an                                            even more, can simultaneously
        expert,  a  confidant,  someone      Mastermind     Talks:   A    super   laugh and cry for different reasons
        who has gone before us, and has      exclusive group created by Jayson    at the same time, has never been
        created and accomplished what        Gaignard that I’m honored to be      star  struck (but did not get a
        we  are  doing  our  best  to  build.   a part of.                        chance  to meet Martin Luther
        A trusted advisor who  can walk                                           King,  and  there  would  have  been
        us around the landmines, pull us     Entrepreneurs Organization: (also    teenage girl screaming if he had).
        out of the quicksand  and point      known  as EO) has chapters all
        us in  the right direction  when     over the world and a requirement     Jay  is  the  recipient  of  the
        we are spinning and our internal     of 1 Million  USD in annual sales    Clickfunnels 2 comma club award
        compass is not reading correctly.    for each member.                     for one funnel that generates over
                                                                                  1 million sales, has built multiple 7
        Technology  & Tools:  What  is       JVology – The Perfect Mix of People   figure businesses and in the midst
        fascinating  about  the  abysmal     Fun & Profit: that is dedicated to   of creating a groundbreaking
        entrepreneurial stats is that        creating  joy  and  ease  through    business   relationship   building
        entrepreneurship has never been      entrepreneurial and joint venture    platform driven by AI.
        easier. Seriously, we have the       training.
        tools, targeting, data, automation                                        He is dedicated to  instigating a
        that 15 years ago did  not exist     Takeaways for New Entrepreneurs      global movement of Conscious
        and are entrepreneurial DREAMS!                                           Creators and supporting people to
                                             Entrepreneurship can be exciting     organize their life  and resources
        We now have more data about our      and amazing, and you cannot do it    around their  passions and  gifts.
        clients for free through Facebook    alone. As technology accelerates,    Use the wisdom and  failures of
        than the big advertising agencies    human connections are even           others to help  you succeed  with
        had that cost them millions to       more important!                      your business instead of thinking
        acquire not long ago. This includes                                       you are alone.
        micro-niching,  pay  per  click,     For most of us leaping into
        automated webinars, retargeting,                                          To learn  more about Jay,  visit

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