Page 6 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
P. 6

I like to be thorough.” Well, guess
        what?  I  have  a whole  team of
        financial  analysts  around.  When
        you join our community and are
        part of it, you get to access these
        brains. Trying to figure it out all by
        yourself behind your computer at
        home is crazy.

        Brian:  Yeah.

        Loral:  I  always  love  real estate
        and  gas and  oil. I  became a
        millionaire, those were my big
        investments and I did them for a
        very long time. Then I got curious
        about businesses. People asked
        me before  Shark Tank was on,
        “What do you do?” And I said, “I’m
        an investor.” Now it’s just easy to
        say, “I’m a shark.”

        Brian:  Yeah.                        Brian:  Exactly. Any final thoughts  Loral Langemeier is one of today’s
                                             as we wrap this up?                  most    visible  and    innovative
        Loral:  Here’s  the  fun  one  I  just                                    money experts.  Because  of  her
        bought.  It’s called The Black  Loral:  You  spend  money  every  tenacity  and  absolute  confidence
        Hole,  and  the  site  is  www.      day, so why  isn’t money part of  in what she teaches, Loral is one It’s a fan base  your thinking and education every  of only a handful of women in the
        for the Oakland Raider Fan Club,  day? Get committed to learning  world today who can  claim the
        and  it’s  a super  cool  group  of  about it, and say, “What do I need  title of “expert” when it comes to
        people  who  are Raider fanatics.  to know to really understand  financial matters and the making
        They’re going to buy merchandise  money?”                                 of millionaires. She accelerates
        and memberships, and they want                                            the conversation about money,
        to be collectively together. We’re  Go     to,  sharing how to not just survive this
        organizing a very cool culture and  and there’s a whole bunch of  economic climate, but to succeed
        group  of  people  around  the  fan  free  gifts  for  you.  There’s kids  and thrive.
        base of the Raider Nation.           education,  parenting  education,
                                             and several books that I wrote  She is the best-selling author of
        Brian:  Absolutely.   And    team    that are bestsellers and will help  the  Millionaire  Maker  series and
        is  very important, too. You’ve  you depending  on where you  Put More Cash in Your Pocket, as
        already mentioned it before.         are. Some of you  might be a  well as a leading entrepreneurial
                                             millionaire and you don’t  know  speaker and the CEO and founder
        Loral:  Team is essential. So  how to invest properly, or you’re  of Integrated Wealth Systems, a
        inside, I’m going to speak to who’s  paying too much taxes. Some of  multimillion-dollar company.
        here in our magazine with us. I  you might be at zero and you’ve
        love MLM, so you’re going to meet  got to start over. So wherever you  Loral has appeared on live stages
        Eric who  will  teach you to sell  are, just start.                       and  television  programs  ranging
        somebody else’s stuff. You’ll have                                        from CNN, CNBC, The Street TV,
        controllers put your money to an  Brian:  Absolutely.  Thank you so  Fox News Channel,  The  Dr. Phil
        entity, and that’s what Scott does.  much for being here, Loral. It was  Show and The View. She has been
        These  are  just  a  couple  of  so awesome having you here.              featured in articles in USA Today,
        examples of the types of people                                           The Wall Street Journal, The New
        who  can  help  you  build  your  Loral:  Thank you, Brian.               York Times, Forbes Magazine and
        wealth. Do not keep doing all this                                        was also featured in the film “The
        alone.                                                                    Secret.”

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