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Notes From The Publisher

                                                                    -by Robert W. Jones

            Welcome to the second edition of iNetrepreneur Magazine!

            First, I want to thank everyone who has been a part of Network Together, the growth
            we have experienced, and the creation of this magazine. None of this would be possible
            without the loyal support of our members, guests, and facilitators who faithfully run and
            attend each of our weekly meetings.

            This quarter’s issue features Loral Langemeier on the cover. Her specialty is creating
            millionaires. Our editor, Brian K. Wright, interviewed her and they discussed a lot of great
            topics, including how she became a millionaire, the importance of Yes! Energy, habits of
            rich people, emerging industries to invest in, and much more.

            This issue also features an article by Guerrilla Publicity Expert Jill Lublin, who tells us
            about the secrets of successful connecting. Many people do it wrong, and Jill gives us
            actionable ideas that will help anyone stand out in their attempt to meet and connect
            with others.

            Next, JV expert Jay Fiset explains why entrepreneurship is hard and is not for everyone.
            He  gives  us  three  fundamentals  that  can  significantly  increase  our  opportunities  for
            success,  and  some  specific  communities  to  join  that  can  help  you  connect  with  like-
            minded people.

            Other articles in this issue include the relationship between storytelling and marketing,
            how having high energy increases productivity, how to decide what corporate entity to
            park your business in, and so much more.

            I hope you enjoy this issue as much as my team and I enjoyed putting it together.

            To your success,

            Robert W. Jones

            Founder, Network Together
            Publisher, iNetrepreneur Magazine

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