Page 15 - iNetrepreneurfall2019
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add  to the thank  you  card  Habitude             Warrior      Target    Erik Swanson has delivered  over
        something like this: “Looking  Focus                                      6300  motivational presentations
        forward to connecting and helping                                         at conferences  and  meetings
        each other with our businesses. In  Continue to ‘Target Focus,’ rather  worldwide. As an award winning
        fact, lunch is on me (Or coffee)!”.  than  focus  on  your  competition.  International Keynote Speaker,
        Trust me, they will have to spend  One  of the biggest  mistakes  #1 Best-Selling Author & Attitude
        the card on YOU! You literally get  I  see businesses,  as well  as  Coach, Erik Swanson is in great
        your $100 back and get the client  entrepreneurs, make is that they  demand! Speaking on average
        at the same time!                    bombard their own mindsets and  to more than  one  million  people

        Free Media The Habitude              ultimately their attitudes with  per year, he is both versatile in
        Warrior Way                          thinking about their competition.  his  approach  and  effective  in
                                             Just stop it! Just as Wayne Gretzky  a wide array of training topics.
        Would  you  like even more free  did  in  his  sport  of  Hockey,  he  Respectively      nicknamed      “MR.
        media? The answer, by the way,  focused on the puck  and where  AWESOME” by many who know
        should  always be ‘YES’! Okay,  it was going, rather than focusing  him well, Erik invites some of the
        here’s another way  you  can do  solely on the opposite team. The  most  talented and most  famous
        it. Use “HARO”  which  stands  more you  focus  on  you,  your  speakers of the world to join him
        for “Help  A  Reporter Out.”  This  business,  and your clients, then  on his coveted stages, such  as
        service started back  in  2008  by  more success you  will  have.  Brian  Tracy, NASA’s  Performance
        our friend  Peter Shankman.  He  It’s inevitable. Use the ‘law of  Coach Dr. Denis Waitley, Co-
        originally started it as a Facebook  attraction’ rather than  the  ‘law  Authors of the book & movie ‘The
        page  which  has  quickly  turned  of  distraction.’ You  must laser  Secret’, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield,
        into an amazing source for you  focus on your outcome, target,  John Assaraf, & The Millionaire
        to get your expertise out to  and leave everything else to your  Maker Loral Langemeier, and
        the  world!  The  website  is  www.  competitors to deal with.  Don’t  Co-Author of ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ If  you  are  allow yourself to stoop so low as  Sharon Lechter,  among  others.
        looking  for  the  media  to  find  to get caught up  in  that drama.  Mr. Swanson has created and
        you  and  highlight  you  and  your  Your team members will  thank  developed  the super popular
        company, then this is the place  you  for having  such  a  positive,  Habitude        Warrior    Conference
        to  go  to. In  fact, media  outlets  target focused attitude and  which boasts a 2 year waiting list
        such as Fox News, The N.Y. Times,  direction.                             and includes  over 33  top leaders
        The Wall Street Journal, Chicago                                          around the  world in  a  ‘Ted  Talk’
        Tribune, and even Time Magazine,  More  about  Erik  “Mr.  Awesome”  style event. It has quickly climbed
        among many others use HARO to  Swanson:                                   to  one of the top 10 events not
        find stories of success and make                                          to miss in the United States!
        it a lot easier for their journalists.                                    Check out the Conference at
        It’s  an  absolute  win-win.  Use  it                                  and
        now and keep it a big secret from                                         check  Mr. Swanson out at www.
        your competition.                                               

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