P. 4
description of the project
The rationale for the project is that the best way to learn what motivates students is
to consult students themselves, as many of them as possible. Motivated students
have increased attainment.
The students involved in this project have played an integral role in the collection
and correlation of both quantitative and qualitative data providing results to indicate
the necessary steps to develop new approaches to strengthen teacher practices.
The project has also endeavored to reassess common teaching methods and create
new methods and pedagogical practices to combat any anxiety or motivation issues
that may be prevalent in the learning process. The results have been obtained from
five different educational systems through the participating partners providing a
sample of over 2000.
Students have gathered insider knowledge through both formal and informal
methods related to teaching strategies that they and their peers find motivating and
that reduce anxiety in the science and language classroom. It is important because
when students are happier and more engaged in learning, the classroom climate
improves and drop-out decreases.
Teachers needed to be involved in the process too because if they lack sufficient
knowledge in the subject of motivation, they are likely to find it difficult to motivate
their students to learn.
Teachers involved have received training on classroom anxiety, motivation, teaching
strategies and behaviours. Furthermore the teachers have learned from the
students’ lists of proposed strategies and behaviors which their peers want and
need in order to increase their motivation and anxiety. T