P. 9
Minutes for the planning meeting and teacher
training: 7th – 8th October, 2016
• Each partner school presented their school and school system (see E-twinning site)
• William presented the design and plans for the Website.
• Cinzia presented the E-twinning site.
• The E-twinning page will also be home formal results etc.
• William will make the blogs for each school
• Seminars on teaching strategies and the influence of teaching strategies on anxiety and motivation
in the classroom were presented by Miranda (see E-twinning site for a synoptic presentation of
• Discussion on the data collection and analyses methods to be used during the project including
informal interviews, questionnaires / instruments to be used (see E-twinning site for the
• Project planning was conducted in detail, a summary can be found below.
• Our acronym is SMILE
• Summary of decisions taken / plans confirmed related to mobilities:
• Partners will only send as many students as they are able to host, and should they wish to take extra
students (more than 3) they must confirm this with the hosts. In ALL cases the hosting partner has
the final say as to whether more than 3 students can be hosted from each partner.
• 1st & 7th days – travel days (this may need modifying based on available flights).
• Visiting partners arrange their accommodation and connections with assistance from the hosting
partner. Hosting partner should find a local hotel where all teaches can be accommodated and try to
get a special price, if possible.
• On the first evening a community mea
• l (all together with host families). All hosts, teachers etc bring a dish and everyone shares. This way
we all get to try local dishes but no-one has a large expense.
• On the other evenings students will be with their host families doing their own thing