Page 4 - Kingham Hill School GCSE prospectus
P. 4
The core curriculum
Every pupil in Year 10 and Year 11 will study the core curriculum leading to GCSEs in English,
Mathematics and Science:
English – all pupils will sit a GCSE in English Language, and pupils with the necessary focus and
commitment will sit an additional GCSE in English Literature.
Mathematics – this subject leads to one GCSE, but achieving a pass is vital as it is a requirement in
most instances for continuation to higher education.
Science – this is taught separately as Chemistry, Physics and Biology modules; all pupils will
receive one GCSE in Science, with the majority receiving two GCSEs. Some pupils may choose Triple
Science as an option choice, in which case they will receive a specific grade in each of the three
science subjects.
GCSE option subjects – the process
Pupils will be able to take a maximum of ten GCSEs – a maximum of five core subject GCSEs and a
maximum of five GCSE option subjects. Aside from the main subjects, some pupils may be advised
to take one of the following in place of a subject option:
• Greens (Learning Support Department)
• ESOL (pupils prepare for Edexcel iGCSE English as a Second Language)
After consultation with teachers and tutors, pupils will be asked to complete an online form
expressing their initial GCSE choices. After February half-term we will then use these preferences to
draw up the timetable. We will endeavour to give every pupil their top choice of subjects, but it may
not be possible to accommodate all subject combinations. If this is the case, parents and pupils will
be contacted personally to discuss alternative courses.
It is possible to change subjects after the timetable has been published, but from that point course
choices will be restricted by the confines of the timetable.
In common with many small schools, we cannot run courses if there is insufficient take-up by
pupils. As far as possible we will give advance notice if we are unable to run a course and will help
each pupil to find a suitable alternative course combinations.