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                                               PERSONAL TOUCH

                                               At American Sentinel, we understand that working adults who choose
                                               to go back to school may be a little nervous. You may not be completely
                                               confident with your technology skills. You might be worried about juggling
                                               your career, family and school. Or maybe you feel out of touch because
                                               you haven’t been in school for a while.
                                               Rest assured - at American Sentinel, you are not alone. We have a team
      Carolyn Rupp, Senior Student             of student success advisors, faculty and academic services that guide you
      Success Advisor Project Lead             along your education journey every step of the way.

      “I enjoy supporting students             MySentinel™ Student Support shapes your student experience from
      throughout their academic                admission to graduation with a distinctively personal approach through:
      program and encouraging                      • Dedicated student success advisors who help students
      them to reach their career                   select courses and register as well as provide ongoing support,
      goals.”                                      encouragement and quick responses to scheduling or academic

                                                   • Resource center for new students that provides checklists, FAQs,
                                                   time management tips and more
                                                   • Financial aid options, from in-house financing to federal student aid
                                                   and military benefits
                                                   • MyAmericanSentinel Interactive student website with forums,
                                                   career planning tips and more

                                                   • 24/7 virtual library and research services
                                                   • Online tutoring services that are available 24 hours a day, seven days
                                                   a week to assist students with questions regarding almost any subject

                                                   • Live chat with academic advisors
                                                   • Writing center submit papers for proof-reading and formatting
                                                   feedback and get help with specific writing questions

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