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Our Virtual Campus
The student experience at
American Sentinel University American Sentinel University offers an affordable, high-quality, accredited
is not limited to the walls of education. Our financial aid options—including federal student aid,
a classroom or the physical employer reimbursement, in-house financing and military benefits—along
location of a campus. Our
online environment is a with our flexible course offerings make earning your degree and pursuing
vibrant, constantly evolving your dreams possible.
community of people Our Financial Aid Office is available to help you understand the process
dedicated to learning and
leadership. American Sentinel of applying for financial aid and the types of aid available. Our goal is to
students reside in different remove financial barriers to completing your education. You can contact an
countries and come from admissions advisor by phone at 866.922.5690, via email or a live chat with
a variety of backgrounds, an advisor.
yet all of our students seek
a relevant, flexible and American Sentinel proudly supports our military students and their
affordable education that can spouses. Learn more about our military tuition and benefits.
be immediately applied to
their careers. American Sentinel University has one of the lowest tuition rates among
online universities.
As a student at American
Sentinel, you can take
classes from any location
in the world. With the
exception of the Doctor of
Nursing Practice program,
there are no residency
requirements to earn your
degree. You’ll be taught by
esteemed professors who
are experienced in their
Have questions? Attend an
online open house; view
the current open house
schedule at http://www.
more. Or view a recorded
General Open House or
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Open House. In addition to our low tuition rates we also offer Life Experience and
Transfer Credits, which may reduce the total cost of your degree and the
time needed to earn it. At American Sentinel we recognize that knowledge
can be acquired outside of the traditional classroom setting and accept
forms of professional and military work experience, corporate training,
continuing education course work, credit by exam and professional
certifications and licenses for possible credit. We invite you to speak with
one of our admissions team members to help you explore how you can
earn credit for these accomplishments.
8 | Transforming Healthcare Through Education