Page 3 - Q&A-DNP-07-26-2017-v05.cdr
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“Do it! Don’t wait!
The sooner you
start the sooner
you will finish!”
DNP Executive Leadership, Cohort 11
Georgetown, S.C.
Is the program How is the support from
manageable with faculty/peers?
your work and life Faculty respond to emails
constraints? How do in a timely manner. I met
you manage with work two really great peers during
and family? the first residency and we
I have little time for much three are consistently in
else. I had to make school touch, especially if there
a priority in order to get it is an immediate question
completed. I am married, we can bounce off one
have children and a full- another. Great friendships
time job that requires have been established
me to have 24-hour because of American
accountability, but I make Sentinel University.
it work. I did have to What did the seven-day
place my ‘hobbies’ on residency consist of?* Was
hold while in school. there any downtime?
It’s been a long time since
I’ve been to school – I’m How much time do you The residency was a jumping
concerned about getting spend on the DNP off point that help get us
into the school mentality courses? All weekend? started. It was great to meet
and the time constraints Late nights? What do the all of the peers in the class
on my already full assignments consist of? and get to know each one.
schedule. Do you have I make sure to begin my My residency was 10 days,
any advice? assignments (discussions) after the feedback from my
on Monday nights to assure class it was decreased to
Online school allows you
the autonomy to have a I have at least started in seven days therefore there
flexible schedule. The first case something happens shouldn’t be much downtime.
class is the scariest, but during the week. It depends What advice do you
once you figure out how on the assignment-reading have for a prospective
the process works it is is the biggest commitment, DNP student?
great. I have taken over discussions and research Do it! Don’t wait! The
30 classes online and I normally are about a four sooner you start the
can’t imagine going back hour commitment per sooner you will finish!
to a traditional classroom. week.
The seven-day residency has since been changed to a four-day residency the first year and a
two-day virtual residency the second year.