Page 4 - Q&A-DNP-07-26-2017-v05.cdr
P. 4
DNP Educational Leadership,
Cohort 4
Waterloo, Iowa
Is the program manageable with thought we would need to quit
your work and life constraints? or not make it through a week,
How do you manage with work we have supported each other
and family? and helped get through these
I have found the program to be rough times together. The
very manageable. As like instructors are amazing, and
anything, you will get out of the have always been really
program what you put into it, but supportive and helpful when
everyone is very professional there are issues or concerns.
and willing to work with you What did the seven-day
when issues or conflicts arise. residency consist of?* Was
there any downtime?
How much time do you
spend on the DNP courses? During the residency we were
All weekend? Late nights? able to meet with the
What do the assignments professors and have a lot of
consist of? time to work together with the
cohort. We were able to get to
I spend a few hours early in the know each other, which has
week reviewing the questions helped us as we headed home
and looking up resources. My and got to work. It is hard to
goal is usually to have the believe that we are almost
questions answered by ready to arrive at our second
Tuesday, but it is often residency (half way done!).
Wednesday evening when I am
posting my first response. I will What advice do you
often be busy with work during have for a prospective
the week and wait until the DNP student?
It’s been a long time since I’ve weekend to make my replies to The DNP program isn’t easy,
been to school – I’m concerned peers and my instructor, these but it is something that is well
about getting into the school usually take a few hours by the worth the time and energy you
mentality and the time time you look up references put into it. Being in a program
constraints on my already full and develop your responses. that is focused on the career
schedule. Do you have any When there are assignments that I know I want to do for the
advice? due I try to find the references rest of my professional life
that I think I will need for the helps to keep things interesting
The great thing about the DNP assignment while I am looking and to challenge me to be a
program is that it is all online for the discussion board and better educator. Make sure
and can be done whenever it fits then work on it during the your family and friends know
into your schedule. Some weekend as well. Again, a few how much work the DNP is so
students work and get hours of work on saturday and they can help you during the
everything done at the beginning sunday will usually be enough
of the week while my schedule is to get the papers written. more stressful times. Finally,
figure out what kind of
more open towards the end of
the week and on the weekend. How is the support from schedule will work for you. This
You can post late at night or faculty/peers? program is very manageable
early in the morning. Figuring My cohort is very close and as long as you plan your week
out what is going to work best supportive. There have been out and leave enough time to
for you is the best thing you can times for each of us when we create quality discussion.
do to organize your time.
The seven-day residency has since been changed to a four-day residency the first year and a
two-day virtual residency the second year.