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CARIMAC co-leads Communication and Public Education Programme for national energy project
The Caribbean Institute of Media and Communication (CARIMAC) played a leading role in a major energy project that is set to improve personal practice and overall understanding of energy conservation in Jamaica.
The Communication and Public Education Programme for the national Energy Security and Efficiency Enhancement Project is co-led with the French development engineering firm, Egis Eau, under a contract awarded by the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining that is worth more than US$200,000.
In April 2013, the project brought together the expertise of CARIMAC’s director, Professor Hopeton Dunn, who provided project direction; project manager Olivia Bravo; and communications consultant Janneth Mornan-Green, along with Egis Eau’s local representative and team leader Dr Maria Protz; communications specialist Dr Alexandra Blason; and project manager Adrien Leleu.
The Communication and Public Education Programme supports Jamaica’s National Energy Policy (NEP) 2009-2030. The NEP focuses on improving the nation’s energy infrastructure,
Over the two-year lifespan
(April 2013 – March 2015)
of the consultancy, the team improved the communication and coordination capacities of the main implementing partners. This facilitated the formation of an energy communication task force; strengthening of public relations planning processes around key energy calendar dates; internal readiness planning; and the validation of a media monitoring framework through media research.
Recognising Outstanding Researchers 2016

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