Page 4 - Pearl Publisher Issue 3
P. 4

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated   ®
                                                     Chi Omega Omega

                                                 January 15-22, 2019

                            International Reactivation Day - Tuesday, January 15, 2019
           Sorors are asked to participate in our Phone-a-thon by calling at least 2 inactive sorors.
                                You will tell them why you Love Chi Omega Omega
           Chapter, tell them about a signature program activity/fundraiser and invite them to our
                   February Chapter meeting. You can post on social media with the hashtag

                          Mid Week Reactivation Madness - Wednesday, January 16, 2019
                Take a break or plan to have lunch with an inactive soror who’s your co-worker

                       Ask me about Reactivating with AKA - Thursday, January 17, 2019
          Text at least 2 inactive sorors and say “Ask me about Reactivating with AKA”. When they
                            reply inform them about the benefits of active membership

                                 Feeling yourself Friday - Friday, January 18, 2019
               Invite an inactive soror to hangout with you after work as you encourage them to
                                     reactivate with Chi Omega Omega Chapter

                                   Let’s go Shopping - Saturday, January 19, 2019
           Since many of us love to shop, contact an inactive soror to shop for a few pink and green
                            items as you discuss the benefits of reactivating with AKA

                                  Spiritual Connections - Sunday, January 20, 2019
           Invite inactive sorors to worship with you or visit their church services to worship with
                              them. Post your pictures as sorors worshipping together

                                Manic Monday Reactivation Blitz, January 21, 2019
         Post a quote or phrase ON SOCIAL MEDIA that speaks to the benefits of   Lifelong Active
                              Membership with AKA. #AKAREACTIVATIONDAY

                                  Turn Back the Clock - Tuesday, January 22, 2019
          Send an inactive soror a favorite picture of  when you were active together. Tell them that
           you would love for them to be active and encourage them to reactivate with Chi Omega
                                                     Omega Chapter
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