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I would like to dedicate this special book first and foremost to the Lord Jesus
Christ my Lord, Saviour and Redeemer who through the Holy Spirit revealed all
the unbelievable revelations contained in this book. To my wife who truly is the
Love of my life as well as my best friend; and my favorite song writer, singer and
prayer warrior in the Kingdom of Heaven on this sin filled earth.
To my two special friends that gave me the opportunity to share Almighty God’s
word Apostle EL Beauty Simpson and Evangelist Angela Kelly with whom we are
now going to Jerusalem, Israel, and to the African countries of Sudan, Kenya, and
Ethiopia for Crusades to share revelations that the Christian world has never heard.
And a special Thanks to my Jewish Sister in Christ Ms. Cynthia for the research
assistance needed to finish this special Book.
To Apostle Morris Cerullo and Apostle Mike Murdock my special friends who
personally mentored me for many years sharing great revelations without ceasing;
may God bless you both for your time and consistent effort.
To Apostle David E. Taylor, Steve Munsey and Jonathan Cahn who have also
revealed great revelations into my life through their books and personal teachings
may God Bless you for your time and your consistent effort. Amen!!!