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The Last Supper Took Place in the Greatest City in the Entire

                                     World the Holy City of Jerusalem, Israel

                   The Lord Jesus Christ Celebrated His Last Passover Meal With His Apostles In
                   Father God’s Holy City In This Upper Room; Just Prior To His Sacrificial Death
                   On the Blood Soaked Cross of Calvary. Where the Lord fulfilled His Earthly
                   Mission Given To Him by His Heavenly Father; To lay done His Life For All Of
                   Our Sin to Give Us Salvation, For All Of Our Sicknesses To Give Us Perfect
                   Health, For Our Spiritual Death To Give Us Eternal Life In The Kingdom Of
                   Heaven Forever. The Events That Would Follow His Death, Burial and
                   Resurrection Would Change this Sin Filled World We now Live In Forever. Amen!

                   On Christ the SOLID ROCK I Stand: All other ground is SINKING SAND.
                       1.  Man-made Religions, because they try to replace the Lord Jesus Christ; thus
                          it is SINKING SAND.
                       2.  Man-made Cults that glorify a man; thus it is SINKING SAND.
                       3.  Man-made Occults that glorify Satan; thus it is SINKING SAND.
                   On Christ the SOLID ROCK I Stand: All other ground is SINKING SAND All
                   other ground is SINKING SAND. Amen!

                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

                   Foreword and Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    . . . . .2
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