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involved with the religious message related to the replacement theology of the
God’s Jewish People. Therefore, Satan’s lies and deceptions related to God’s
Jewish People are still in effect today.
The Burning Bush represents Israel and God’s chosen Jewish people. Through the
centuries, Israel would experience the hot flames of satanic fury, often manifested
in the form of vehement anti-Semitism. However, Israel would burn but she would
never be consumed. And because of her survival at all cost, she would become the
Second greatest miracle in all of history; the First greatest miracle being the death,
burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Satan’s plan was in high gear when the Roman Emperor Constantine was
religiously converted to believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, when he seen what he
thought was a cross in the sky which really represented man’s sin nature.
Especially when the Roman Emperor Constantine appointed himself as the official
leader of the Church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Then Emperor Constantine because of his hatred of the Jewish People, began to
remove all the Jewish roots related to Jesus Christ the Son of God, by forbidding
all Christians from celebrating the God given seven Jewish Feasts, including
honoring the Sabbath day each week. When this happened, the Holy Spirit was
grieved and He began to gradually move away from the Gentile Christian Church;
thus Holy Spirit’s power and His anointing were no longer the same, because the
foundational Jewish roots of the Church were being totally removed.
It also should be noted that because of God’s Spoken Blessing (Numbers 6:24 thru
27) and because of God’s Spoken Abrahamic Blessing (Galatians 3:14 thru 16) that
He provided the early Messianic Church; the early church became the most
powerful institution the world had ever seen. All Pagan religions could not
compete with it. Greek philosophy could not comprehend it. Persecution only
purified it, and caused it to grow more rapidly.
Yet by the sixth century the early Christian Church was largely destroyed; because
they totally lost all of their foundational Jewish roots.
Consequently the early Christian Church lost all of God’s Spoken Blessings. Thus
it became a corrupt political power hated and feared by the common people, with
little evidence of the life and power it had once inherited and known.
It should be noted that the early Messianic Church reached and converted the entire
world in less than 400 years after the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
However, after “The Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus Christ Preached” was lost,
because all the Jewish roots of this Gospel were removed; and now approximately
1617 years later, not one city or one nation has been saved with the current Gospel
that is now being Preached. Therefore, the Gospel that the Gentile Christian