Page 21 - Power Presntation
P. 21
Good presenters often use the occasional verification to confirm that the audience has
understood the point made. It usually takes the form of ‘Okay?’ or ‘Right?’ You need to
ensure that you have eye contact with your audience so that you can see their confirm -
ing nods and smiles. You must avoid using it systematically or it will become predictable
and tiresome.
If you really want to verify something with your audience then use a more meaningful
method—try asking them a question or involving them in a point of conversation. Where
you are presenting to an audience that is too large to interact with you should gauge their
understanding by reading their body language and facial expressions and by maintaining
eye contact.
Most presenters will be concerned about coming across as very different from their nor-
mal day-to-day personality because of the risk of appearing slightly ridiculous to people
who know them. This is not something you really need to worry about. Even people who
know you well accept that when you are making a presentation you will need to appear
to be more extrovert and outgoing than normal.
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