Page 29 - Power Presntation
P. 29
Most people who have never seen themselves deliver a presentation realize after a few min-
utes in front of an audience that they are using some verbal mannerism that the audience
finds irritating and they try to stop doing it in real time. They usually end up simply swapping
one mannerism for another, or they become so preoccupied with avoiding that particular
behavior that they lose their concentration, their delivery suffers, and the message is lost.
There are several benefits you can attain by rehearsing a presentation at least once be -
fore doing it in front of an audience. Practice will help you with your transitions from one
point to the next—it is sometimes only through going through the presentation aloud
that you realize that your transitions are not as clear as they could be. Practice helps you
to test your explanations of difficult concepts so that by the time you give the presenta -
tion all of the words are there when you need them.
Check Rehearsal
things are Benefits:
Contents Impartial
kept interest 3rd party
& attention review
Clarity of Immediate
key point feedback on
meaning structure
Remember, even if you are only giving a presentation once, by rehearsing it before the
event you give yourself time to develop your overall presentation skills, not just the con-
tent. Once you are comfortable with your content and the material behind it, you can
practice your delivery by recording it on a cheap video camera or your cell phone.
Set the camera up in such a way that you can film your full body and work through the
first point in your presentation. View this critically and eliminate any annoying habits you
may have—for example, the use of stock phrases or non-words, or inappropriate body
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