Page 9 - Power Presntation
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Styles of Presenting

                 The way that you deliver your presentation has an effect on how engaged your audience
                 will be and consequently how much of your message they take on board. There are three
                 presentation styles that you can use:

                 • You could memorize the presentation
                 • You could write a full script and read from it
                 • You could use free, conversational speech aided by some form of notes or cue cards

                                                  Delivery Options

                                Memorize it         Script & Read it       Use Cue Cards


            Committing a presentation to memory represents an enormous overhead in terms of
            time and effort and is unnecessary except in situations where you need to present the
            same thing regularly. Safety briefings and some types of sales presentations fall into this
            category and if you are someone who finds it easy to memorize a presentation you could
            find that your credibility benefits from being able to give a smooth delivery of your con -
            tent with plenty of eye contact.

            One drawback of a memorized presentation is that you have to concentrate so hard on
            remembering what to say that your delivery style can become unnatural. Another is that
            if you forget where you are in the presentation, the results can be disastrous as you flail
            around trying to remember the next part. In addition, you will not be able to alter the
            words you use to match the level of knowledge of the audience.


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