Page 12 - Power Presntation
P. 12

Styles of Presenting

             Reading a Script

           Many public speakers use a script read from an autocue. This makes it look as though
           the presentation is being done from memory, as well as allowing the speaker to focus
           on the audience. This impression of a lot of eye contact combined with relatively free
           head movement can facilitate a much more professional delivery than simply reading
           from a hard copy script.

           If you are making your presentation at a conference and an autocue is available, then
           it may be worthwhile experimenting with it to see if it suits you. If it does, you will

           need a full rehearsal with the autocue operator who will support you in the actual
           presentation. You should make sure that they can recognize occasions where you ad
           lib and pause the machine accordingly.

           If you are not experienced in using it, then an autocue can result in a delivery that is dull
           and fails to engage the audience because it can be difficult to remember that you are
           there to communicate a message and not just read a script. This is something that can
           happen when you are presenting to a large audience in a darkened room.

           Other disadvantages are the unnaturally fast pace this style of delivery can create and the
           inability to modify your language to accommodate the audience’s understanding of the
           material—something that may only become apparent as the presentation progresses.


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