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Anti-Mycobacterium  activity  of  microbial  peptides  in  a  silkworm
               infection model with Mycobacterium smegmatis
               The Journal of Antibiotics, 70(5):685-690 (English)

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               (Laboratory  of  Insect  Genome  Science,  Kyushu  University  Graduate  School  of
               Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, 621021 Hakozaki Higashi2ku, Fukuoka,
               81228581, Japan)

               Characterization  of  recombinant  thermococcus  kodakaraensis  (KOD)
               DNA  polymerases  produced  using  silkworm-baculovirus  expression
               vector system
               Molecular Biotechnology, 59(6):221-233 (English)


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               (School of Biotechnology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang
               Jiangsu 212018, China)
               Establishment  of  partial  least  square  regression  model  for
               determination of  soluble solid content in mulberry  fruit by handheld
               near infrared spectrometer

               Canye Kexue,  42(6):1077-1084 (Chinese)

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               (College of Biotechnology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang
               Jiangsu, China)

               Analysis on amino acid composition and nutrition of Bombyx mori silk
               fibroin and in vitro antioxidant activity of its enzyme digestion product
               Canye Kexue,  43(1):118-123 (Chinese)

               7	%5)%	.%=211227)&#)
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               (Unigen Inc., 3005, 1st Avenue, Seattle, WA, 98121, USA)

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