Page 145 - pdf-seri-17-1_final_Neat
P. 145
Resistance 139, 144, 188, 192, 231 Seminal fluid proteins 237
to friction 338 Sensitivity 102
to washing 338 Sensory quality 343
Resistant gene 177 Sequence analysis 124, 215, 235
molecular mechanism 192 feature 134, 180, 200, 205
Resource conservation 009 Sequencing 297, 342
management 295 Sequential structure 181
Response surface methodology Sericigenous Saturniidae 299
337, 345, 380 Sericin 308, 310, 321, 332333, 360
Responsive pathway 020 gene1 164
Resveratrol 365 expression system 348
Revenue 384 Sericultural waste 008
Reweighted sampling 373 Sericulture 296
Ribosomal protein gene 049 Industry 402
RNA interference 172 Serifit 053
polymerase 306 Serine protease 201
virusencoded micrornas 214 Serpin 079, 116
seq 016, 153, 226, 231 Serpin6 082
Rnai 157, 162 Sex Determination 121
Rocky desertification 002 Sf21 cell infection 222
Root bark 019, 331 Shelflife 320
Rooting 033, 037 Shell 259
type 032 Short rotation coppice 040
Rosales 016 Shothole disease 046
Rotunda rotundapex 137 Sigma factor 306
Rpm 243 Signal transduction 066 084
Signaling pathway 111
Silk 151, 260, 273274, 284, 332,
amia cynthia ricini 251 347, 374
crepe satin 269
Sampling technique 050
degumminq 272, 276
Saturniidae 080, 148
dyeing 300
Scaffold protein 204
fabric 283, 287289, 292,
Schizonepeta 283
338, 389390
Seamless knitted fabric 285
feedstock 333
Seasonal incidence 301
fiber 264, 271
Secondary metabolite 027
fibrillogenesis 115
Seed germination 031
fibroin 117, 258, 262, 268,
Selfhealing 338
313, 325, 336, 366, 374, 377,
monitoring blood glucose 358
Semiquantitative RT –PCR 164
fiber 317