Page 147 - pdf-seri-17-1_final_Neat
P. 147
localization 205 Thai rice 104
Succinate dehydrogenase 063 Thatched roof asbestos sheet
Succinic acid 272 house 058
Sucking pests 301 Therapeutic activity 306, 354
Sugar degree 339 Therapeutical effect 371
Suitable condition 054 Thermal inactivation 017
Sundried mulberry fruit pomace tolerance 119
342 wet comfort performance 285
Superior quality 144 Thermotolerance 119
Superoxide dismutase Peroxidase198 Thiol peroxiredoxin 109
Surface elasticity 281 Three point bending 288
morphology 261 design method 176
protein 205 Thz timedomain spectroscopy117
Surfactants 280 Tiny pests 046
Susceptibility 039 Tio(2) nanoparticles (nps) 122
Susceptible breed 210 Tissue engineering 313
SWATH proteomics 071 expression 180
Synthesis 267 sections 255
System of official costume 390 Titanium dioxide nanoparticles 252
Tolerant breed 210
Toll pathway 079
ransgenic tobacco 181 like receptor 086
pathway 216
T400 fiber 282 Total polyphenols 345
TALEN 170171
quality management 300
Tandem mass tag 221
Traditional Chinese medicine 341
Target gene 214, 219
culture 397
site 160
medicine 361
Tasar ecorace 293
Transcription 118
seed sector 240 activation 022
silkworm 100101, 141, 229 factor 097
Taste 153 Transcriptional activity 097
TEsirna 166 Transcriptomic 093
Tea plantations 242 difference 226
Technological condition 272 Transformation 304
measure 394 Transgene 087, 378
Temperate climate 041 Transgenic 025
Temperature and humidity 119
plants 023
Temporal change 026
silkworm 081, 147, 151, 250,
Tertiary food plant 248
348, 352
TFAM 167 Transgenosis 149