Page 34 - Jericho Force of the Future
P. 34
16 ALR Kevin McDonald
Defence Science &
INTEGRATION Technology Group
Aerospace Capability
Analysis Branch
ON THE 10TH NOVEMBER 2016, The exercise was a proof of concept demonstration,
HEADQUARTERS AIR WARFARE CENTRE, delivered as a component of the broader 2016 Royal
Australian Artillery Command Post Exercise, the Land
16TH AIR LAND REGIMENT (16 ALR) AND 114 Force’s annual analysis of joint fires. The exercise HOLOLENS AUGMENTED REALITY APPROACH
followed 16 ALR’s participation in a large scale live
MOBILE CONTROL AND REPORTING UNIT fire demonstration in March 2016 (Exercise Jericho
(JD 16-9) AT THE SCHOOL OF ARTILLERY, Exercise JD 16-9 focussed on the continued development FOR AIRSPACE BATTLE MANAGEMENT
of Air Land Integration for the Joint Force by demonstrating
PUCKAPUNYAL, VICTORIA. the fusion of sensor data from the Giraffe Agile Multi-
Beam Radar (G-AMB) with other radars in a given Area
of Operations. Using in-service track management and
Tactical Data Link systems, the demonstration provided
a proof of concept for the Joint Force, when joint fires BATTLESPACES ARE GETTING MORE COMPLEX, Plan Jericho saw potential in this AR approach for airspace
is further evolved to a modular architecture based on battle management and supported DST Group in further
interoperability. CLUTTERED AND CONFUSING, LEADING TO A NEED developing the concept. Microsoft HoloLens was selected
The work put into Ex JD 16-9 has been instrumental as the AR hardware platform and Saab Australia (a
in demonstrating Force Modernisation initiatives for the FOR IMPROVED VISUALISATION AND MANAGEMENT Microsoft partner for HoloLens development) was engaged
Joint Force and in particular, 16 ALR. Through improved OF THE AIR BATTLE PICTURE. to provide software development support.
interoperability, enhanced collective training, a greater Plan Jericho, DST Group and Saab Australia
involvement in Air Power-centric exercises and further collaboratively scoped a plan for creating an AR
investment into systems integration, the Australian Defence demonstrator for an interactive 3D visualisation of the
Force’s current approach to Air-Land Integration will be well As a first step in addressing this need, Defence battlespace. Primary goals were to highlight the benefit of
postured for the introduction of 5th generation capabilities. Science and Technology Group (DST) developed force integration concepts, visualise the effects of advanced
a prototype Augmented Reality (AR) application, aircraft capabilities and to show the impact of decisions.
aimed at delivering the Air Force with a more Broader aims were to increase Defence awareness of
natural and collaborative way of interacting with emerging AR technology and identify other areas of utility.
visualisations of battlespaces. The prototype has been demonstrated to various
Defence audiences generating valuable feedback and ideas
for further development. As a result of the project:
· Air Force has a prototype AR application showcasing
the potential that this technology has to transform the
way the battlespace is visualised;
· Saab Australia has strengthened its capability in
delivering innovative AR applications for Defence;
· DST Group is better positioned to carry out scientific
research targeted to Air Force requirements for
improved airspace battle management.
The articulation of Defence needs by Air Force in
collaboration with DST Group, along with the development
of skills by Saab Australia, has delivered a valuable
outcome for Defence that could not have been achieved
without this collaboration.