Page 39 - Jericho Force of the Future
P. 39

COLLABORATIONS                                                                                       TRAILBLAZERS

                                                               Combat Support Group is using Plan Jericho impetus
                                                               to improve capability management processes in line
                                                               with the outcomes of the First Principles Review.
                                                               This will help to develop a 5th generation equivalent
                                                               command and control system to fully integrate airbases
 INTELLIGENT                                                   into the broader Air and Space Operations Command
                                                               and Control Capability System (ASOC2CS).
                                                               Air Bases are very similar to static aircraft carriers. Their
 Andrew Lucas   WGCDR David Howard                             ability to generate, launch and recover air missions is
 WATCH DOG                                                     battlespace.
 Managing Director    Capability Management                    dependant on their ability to effectively sustain, recover,
                                                               coordinate and deliver utilities and services under the full
 AOS     Headquarters Combat Support Group                     range of operating conditions – including in contested
                                                                 The future Air Base Command and Control Capability
                                                               System (ABC2CS) will fuse data feeds from all ten air
                                                               base functional activities onto a single Air Base Command
                                                               Network (ABCOMNET) to support both decision
                                                               making and tasking or airbase resources. A dynamically
                                                               configurable Air Base Information Exchange will enable
 Australia’s ability to defend against air attack depends on key aircraft, key   bi-directional data exchange to facilitate tasking, reporting
 bases, and key Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) and   and situational awareness between air bases and he
 Command, Control & Communications (C3) assets. Australia’s capabilities   broader ASOC2CS.
 are concentrated in a very few, very high value, locations. If any of these   Combat Support Group is working with Adelaide-based
 bases was disabled or destroyed Australia’s air defences would be   Daronmont Pty Ltd to define the network architecture and
 substantially degraded.                                       middle-ware standards for ABCOMNET. The functional
                                                               brief includes requirements for the network to operate
                                                               across multiple bearers and multiple information security
 Agent Oriented Software, in conjunction with Insitu Pacific, has developed   domains, with the capability for local bi-directional transfer
 the Intelligent Watch Dog™, or iWD, an autonomous base intrusion   of information between security domains. Other industry
 detection, threat evaluation and response system. iWD monitors tripwire and   vendors are also participating in the development process,
 radar sensors for intrusion detection; and then autonomously selects and   providing software and hardware solutions supporting
 "  AN AUTONOMOUS BASE   dispatches an unmanned aerial system (UAS) or unmanned ground vehicle   "  BY ENGAGING WITH INNOVATIVE INDUSTRY PARTNERS,   specific air base functions, including DPRA, Elbit Systems
 INTRUSION DETECTION,   (UGV) to investigate the intrusion; and provide an immediate video feed to   COMBAT SUPPORT GROUP IS DEVELOPING AN AIR BASE   Aus, DST Group and Northrop Grumman.
                                                                 By engaging with innovative industry partners to develop
 the base Security Command Post for assessment and response action. iWD
 THREAT EVALUATION AND   complements the existing Air Force surveillance systems, such as the Ex-TASS   COMMAND AND CONTROL SYSTEM THAT DRAMATICALLY   solutions employing leading-edge technology, Combat
 RESPONSE SYSTEM..."  ground surveillance system and the BMS battle management system. iWD   IMPROVES THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AIR BASES IN   Support Group is developing an air base command
 provides the immediate ‘eyes on’, ensuring that the Air Force Combat Support
                                                               and control system that dramatically improves the
 Group guarding force understand the nature and intent of the threat they are   SUPPORTING THE GENERATION AND SUSTAINMENT OF   effectiveness of air bases in supporting the generation
 facing.  AIR POWER EFFECTS."                                  and sustainment of air power effects. Air Commanders will
 The key was to demonstrate the iWD’s potential and this has been achieved   have unprecedented access to real-time air base capability
 through two Jericho Dawn demonstrations, jointly supported by Plan Jericho,   information pertaining to capability status and, force
 the Royal Australian Navy and The Defence Science and Technology Group   generation capacity to inform cyclical planning and agile
 (DST). The initial Jericho Dawn demonstration for Air Force Combat Support   basing decisions.
 Group, using a single UAS, was in August 2015 at Coominyah airfield in
 A second demonstration at Waurn Ponds, focussed on dealing with multiple
 simultaneous intrusions, and then coordinated multiple vehicles, both air and
 land, to respond to all these. AOS and DST Group developed a Multi-Vehicle
 Tasking Station (MVTS) to provide CSG guards with an integrated display of
 the potential threats, and the nature of the response initiated by iWD. The
 MVTS also automatically displays video of the threats, transmitted from the
 responding vehicle.
 The team for the second demonstration comprised AOS, the Institute for
 Intelligent Systems Research at Deakin University and the Aerospace, Maritime
 and Weapons & Combat Systems Divisions of DST Group. The UGV is a Polaris
 ‘Ranger’ 6x6 ground vehicle operating autonomously under iWD.
 For the RAN, iWD has potential for Force Protection of the surface fleet
 in ports or anchorages. Future iWD developments will include UAS with
 autonomous precision landing and recharging. For Naval force protection
 iWD will include integration with the Navy’s Scan Eagle and an autonomous
 Unmanned Surface Vehicle.

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