P. 21

certain ideals like respecting a diversity of
tactics, calling out bullshit, centring
marginalized and their struggles and voices
over white liberal guilt npic campaigns and
killing white men (lol but no rly) I have
also been reading a lot of Baedan lately
while not the perfect I think it’s like the
political philosophy which resonates with me
the most at this point in my life.
And links to your own stuff?
As much as an internet presence I have I am
really trying to curb it cause of school. I
have a personal tumblr where I announce zine
stuff (theres a link on the sidebar) I have
a fashion blog I use for school as well. I
ultimately prefer the mail which is more slow
and personal PO Box 22281 Oakland, Ca 94623
Trade zines/mixtapes with me, send me nature
treasures like seaglass and lichen, tell me
your secrets! plot against white capitalist
patriarchy with me!
  Family histories?
I was raised by my great grandparents who moved
here from Nicaragua. I grew up really in touch
to my culture and am forever grateful for that.
They were really amazing and strong people who
really just let me be myself. Moving back to
California I have gotten to reconnect with other
family members more including my mom, there is
a lot of trauma both recent and historical in my
family but most importantly there is love.
What political concerns mean the most to you?
I just try really hard to not be a piece of shit
while also having a good time, calling bullshit,
pushing limits, challenging people, making bros
uncomfortable all while looking really good. I
used to be really involved in activism and spend
every night at a different meeting and all my
free time was spent in organizing and project
management, it got old. Now I just write
letters to prisoners when I can, I get busy and
fall behind and feel bad but I think it’s
important to keep up. Black and Pink is a good
website because they list queer and trans
prisoners who aren’t getting gigantic prisoner
campaigns but still need support. Transmission
is a really cool project my partner in Portland
is starting, its like a trans-centered Books to
Prisoners project, if you wanna help please get
at me cause its still in it’s baby stages! I
have learned a lot and I just try to live by

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