Page 6 - Meeting Romeo
P. 6
When they worked on the assignment together again, Judy was amazed by the beautiful
diagram that Rory had drawn of all the relationship details of Romeo and Juliet’s world.
She already knew that Rory was very artistic but she never thought he could make a
diagram look so nice. At the beginning of the year, Rory used to drum during class
constantly until Mrs. Johnson told him to try doodling instead. After that, the only other
noise he made was the tiny sound of a pencil speed skating on the paper. Once in a
while, students who happened to see his drawings would talk about how beautiful and
detailed the sketches were. So, this time, Judy asked him if she could keep the diagram.
Rory agreed with a smile. “Smile often, it makes you look better!” she teased him, and
caught him blushing.
"You should smile more too! You need to look better!"
Ouch. Why would he say that? But she brushed it off.