Page 1 - Torch - March 2020
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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
May 2020 Volume 46 Issue 9
Message from President Brown
As we come to the close of a very unusual year, I would like to express my appreciation for
your support in the efforts of the chapter to press through in this new normal. We have
faced challenges, some more difficult than others, but as a chapter we will rise above it all
and continue to serve our communities as we always have. Inside The
Despite our physical separation, we have been able to continue the business of the chap-
ter. We are approaching our third virtual chapter meeting. I have heard many positive Chaplain’s Corner 3
responses in regards to the virtual platform and requests to continue it. The National
Spotlight on Sorors 4-5
President, Soror Beverly Smith, sent out a communication soliciting interest in virtual
platforms. The information collected will be utilized in negotiating with a service to reach ERT 6-7
an affordable volume discount for chapters. While we may not be able to go 100% virtual
after COVID-19, we could certainly be open to a blended option.
Courtesies 10
I thank you for being flexible and understanding concerning the cancellations and post-
ponements. The affected committees are working to reschedule or provide alternative Birthdays 11
solutions. Amid the cancellations, many committees reverted to virtual platforms for
Events/Activities 12-14
planning and executing planned sessions. The Leading by Example Cohort held its final
session of year one via ZOOM. While we could not fellowship physically, it was nice to see
and interact virtually. The Political Awareness and Involvement Committee also utilized
ZOOM to conduct a volunteer training session. Both events were very well received.
As we move forward, we must make the necessary adjustments to remain safe at all
times. As shelter-in-place orders are lifted, we will have new meeting (and event) proto-
cols in place. Please know that we will need our members to be patient and tolerant to
keep us our safe. Some changes to our meeting (event) entry may include a temperature
scan before entry and the use of a face mask. The Emergency Response Team is currently Special Points
working on procedures and will provide an update over the break to all members. of Interest:
In closing, I pray that you and your families are coping with the challenges that we all face
during this time. I encourage you to be encouraged and to encourage others through this • Sorors in the
pandemic. Utilize available resources, share resources with others and most of all be each Spotlight
other’s keeper. Use this time to slow down and reflect and do the “if I had the time” • COVID-19 News
things that we never seem to get to do, because we always had somewhere to go. Take a
walk in the neighborhood, exercise and relax, call a friend, check on an elderly neighbor or a Delta