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Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
March 2020 Volume 46 Issue 7
Message from President Brown
Happy Sisterhood and Women’s History Month!
Sisterhood, what does it mean to you? Is it a safe place, a sign of soli-
darity, a shoulder to cry on, a group to laugh and share happiness or per-
haps some times share your burdens? What does it truly mean to you? I
challenge each member to reflect on the question for an answer as we cel-
ebrate Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.’s National Sisterhood Month.
Reach out to a sister that is not in your normal communication circle.
Drop a card in the mail or give her a call, just to say “hi”, as these random Inside
acts are truly special and to me is the most authentic expression of sister- The Torch
ly love. Let us rid ourselves of the “drama” and embrace the beauty of our
sisterhood and each other! Please review the list of activities organized by Chaplain’s Corner 3
the Membership Services committee in celebration of Sisterhood Month Spotlight on Sorors 4
and plan to attend at least one event. I look forward to you worshipping
with me on Sunday, March 29, 2020. Rolling to the Polls 5
March is the month that we reflect on the accomplishments of women 6
as we celebrate Women’s History Month. The theme for 2020 is “Valiant P & M Health
Women of the Vote,” in honor of the 100th anniversary of the signing of the #DELTACARE 7
19th Amendment of the US Constitution granting American women the Respiratory 8
right to vote. As we know our history, that right was delayed for African Disease Prevention
Americans in general. We in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will be forev-
er proud knowing that our beloved Founders took an active role in the Arts & Letters 9-
Women Suffrage March of 1913 that set the wheels in motion for the 19th 11
Amendment. It was that single act by our Founders that drew the atten- Under the Baobab 12
tion of those like you and I to find “our voice” and stand up the issues that
impact others like us. Since that time, we as an organization of college Tree
educated women continue to work to make a difference in the lives of Crème de la Crème 13
those in our communities. As we celebrate, let us continue to reflect on Courtesies 14
past, current and ongoing accomplishments of all women.
As we continue to work hard and accomplish much, I ask that we also Birthdays 15
continue to support the work of the committees. The Fundraising Commit- 16
tee is hard at work on the final details of the 2020 Crème de la Crème with Mark Your Calen-
a Gospel Explosion featuring three time Grammy nominated artist Jekalyn dar
Carr. Local artist Terrell White and the True Divine Praise and Worship
Team will provide a taste of Montgomery for our audience. We have ten Special points of interest:
lovely ladies vying for the titles of Miss Crème de la Crème and Little Miss Ruby Bridges
Crème de la Crème. Let us put praise into our sisterhood by attending and Under the Baobab
supporting this major fundraiser! The event will be held on Sunday, March Tree
22, 2020 at True Divine Baptist Church located on Troy Highway. The
doors will open at 3:00 PM and the show will begin promptly at 4:00PM. Crème de la Crème
MAC Authors