Page 10 - Torch - January 2020
P. 10
of each literary presentation. The culminating
activities for this spectacular event included
speaking to the authors, taking photos, purchas-
ing books, personal book signings, and enjoy-
ing light refreshments.
In celebration of Black History Month chapter
members wore colorful African attire as request-
ed by the Arts & Letters Committee. and looked
absolutely beautiful.
Black - Soror Celena Pitts - Meaning: matu-
ration, aging, intensified spiritual energy.
Blue - Soror Doris Pugh - Meaning: peaceful-
ness, harmony, good fortune, love.
White - Soror Wanda Robinson - Meaning:
purification, sanctification rites, healing.
Maroon - Soror Ruby Smith - Meaning: the
color of mother earth, associated with
healing and protection from evil.
Gold - Soror Jazmen Williams - Meaning:
royalty, wealth, spiritual purity, Gold is
Wearing African clothing is a wonderful way to extremely popular.
celebrate our culture and heritage and to com- Red - Soror Patrinia Withlow - Meaning: po-
memorate the beauty of the motherland. This litical and spiritual associations; blood-
shed, sacrificial rites and death.
attire can be a symbol of status, creativity and
allegiance to tribal roots. It is important to re- If you were unable to attend this event you
member in African attire each symbol, color, and missed an informational, educational, and inspi-
even shape of the clothing can have a very spe- rational event. The MAC Arts and Letters Com-
cific purpose and meaning. The hidden mean- mittee continues to sponsor programs that fo-
ing in the most commonly used colors in African cus on Delta’s mission and spotlights events
attire was presented along with a fashion show that are beneficial to the community in which we
by Arts & Letters Committee members. serve. The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter
is still “Committed to Impactful Service to the