Page 11 - Torch - January 2020
P. 11

Arts & Letters enjoy Sunday matinee of Ruby at ASF

          The Arts & Letters Committee joined with Member-     to host a dessert reception for attendees and the
          ship  Services  on  Sunday,  March  8th  to  enjoy  a  cast.  Jazz music filled the Patron’s Room Reception
          matinee performance of Ruby:  The Story of Ruby  Area while Sorors mingled sharing insight about the

          Bridges  at  the  Alabama  Shakespeare  Festival.    At  performance  awaiting  the  arrival  of  the  cast  who
          least 70 Sorors, family, and friends descended the  when  entered  received  a  rousing  applause.
          stairs of the Festival Stage, most sporting Delta red  Greetings  were  offered  by  A&L  Chair  Jimmetta
          making a statement about their presence and sup-     Gourdine,  Pamela  R.  Hill,  National  Treasurer,  and
          port of the arts.                                    subcommittee  chairs  Audrey  Peterson  and  Ferlisa

                                                               Dotson.  A few of the cast members also expressed
          Members  of  Arts  &  Letters  arrived  early  to  greet
                                                               their gratitude for the opportunity.  “I just want to
          Sorors and their family and friends and ensure they
                                                                                               say  thank  you  all
          had  no  trouble
                                                                                               for  the  support  of
          finding  their  seat.
                                                                                               us as young people
          The  show  opened
                                                                                               because  that  is
          with    the   cast
                                                                                               something  that  we
          coming    through
                                                                                               need,”  stated  BTW
          the  aisles  singing
                                                                                               student     Raevyn
          “Den  of  Segrega-
                                                                                               Pritchett.    BTW
          tion.”    The  “older
                                                                                               senior,  Andarious
          Ruby”     narrated
                                                                                               Porter  added  that
          her  story  and  the
                                                                                               he was “honored to
          emotions  she  had
                                                                                               be  in  the  presence
          as  she  experi-
                                                                                               of  the  beautiful  la-
          enced  racism  and
          hatred   by    the        Arts & Letters Committee members pause for a group photo.   dies of Delta Sigma
          angry mob of whites that stood outside her school
          every  day.    The  playwright,  Christina  Ham,  noted  The reception was catered by Peppertree Steaks N'

          that she wanted to focus more on the relationship  Wines  and  included  petit  fours,  mini  cupcakes,
          between  Ruby  and  her  teacher  throughout  the    brownie bites, and other bite-size sweet treats and
          school year and how they helped each other navi-
                                                               lemon-flavored water and strawberry punch.
          gate through a very difficult situation.

          After  the  one  hour  performance  which  included
          musical selections such as “Melt the Troubles of the
          World,”  “Problem  That  We  Live  With,”  and  “This

          Little  Light  of  Mine,”  the  cast  received  a  standing
          ovation initiated by members of the sorority.

          Arts & Letters and Membership Services teamed up
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