Page 9 - Torch - January 2020
P. 9

Spotlight Shines on DST-MAC Authors                   6.  Transparency – communicate with passion
                                                                and honesty.
                                                                7.  Advocacy – Demonstrate your beliefs by your

                                                                A super leader must have a set of personal be-
                                                                liefs that guide them daily. She shared character
                                                                traits  and  spiritual  beliefs  that  have  framed  her
                                                                leadership  style  over  the  last  forty-four
                                                                years.   “Remember, if you are  walking  and  no-
                                                                body is following you … you are simply taking a
                                                                               Thrive Girl Thrive!
                                                                                Dr. Tiffany H. Taft

                                                                1. We each have a story to tell and someone is
                                                                waiting on you to tell yours.
                                                                2. Women hold all their emotions in their womb,
                                                                our sacral chakra. We must be careful as women
         The Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta           as we are receptors and receivers.
         Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., hosted “MAC Authors        3. The group was asked to write down or think of
         Spotlight”  on  Saturday,  February  15,  2020.        one thing that they are grateful for and one thing
         These DST- MAC Authors on Tour are a group             that they need to release that no longer serves
         of  college-educated  women  dedicated  to  public     their greater good.
         service  with  an  emphasis  on  issues  and  topics   4.  The  group  was  asked  to  tell  who  they  are
         that  target  the African  American community  in      without titles or roles related to careers or others.
         which they live and serve.  They are also writers      5.  Thrive  Girl  Thrive  was  written  for  women  by
         of  original  literary  works  that  provide  insight   women and for the men in their lives who seek to
                                                                communicate in a different way and understand
         and promote change within the community.
                                                                them more deeply.
         The National Arts & Letters Commission Authors         6.  Names  were  mentioned  of  notable  black  fe-
         Directory  includes  over  one  hundred  listings  of   male  authors,  writers,  poets,  and  fellow  Soror
         books by Deltas, three of whom are local sorors.       authors as women not afraid to tell their story to
         Our spotlight highlighted the works of Dr. Sheila      empower   another woman to THRIVE.
         Austin, Dr. Tiffany H. Taft, and Josephine Bolling
         McCall and raised the awareness of the commu-                          ********************
         nity to their literary existence.                                  The Penalty for Success

         Each  distinguished  author  presented  highlights             Soror Josephine Bolling McCall
         from  their  works  and  answered  questions  from     Soror McCall shared the story about her father’s
         the audience.
                                                                lynching  when  she  was  five  years  of  age.
            Secrets on How to Be a “Super Leader”               Elmore Bolling was thirty-nine years old and had
          Nuggets of Wisdom to Inspire Your Journey             achieved success as a farmer, trucker, entrepre-
                        Dr. Sheila M. Austin                    neur, and restaurateur.  Her father‘s brutal mur-
                                                                der meets the lynching definition by having been
         1.  Humility – Super Leaders do what we do be-
         cause it is simply being gracious!                     committed by more than one person and without
         2.  Integrity - Do the right thing because it is the   any  due  process  following.    After  ten  years  of
         right thing to do!                                     research and interviewing fifty-one people, Soror
         3.    Know  Yourself  –  Know  your  strengths  and  McCall’s  conclusion  (as  well  as  the  NAACP’s)
         weaknesses. Make things happen!                        was that her father was     murdered because he
         4. Communication – Do not allow your title to de-      was “too prosperous to be a Negro farmer.”
         fine you… you define the title!
         5. Mentoring – Make other people feel important.
                                                                As a special treat there was a drawing at the end
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