Page 3 - Torch - March 2020
P. 3

Greetings My Blessed Sisters!

                                                               Let us Pray: Gracious God, thank you for
             We  may  experience  pain  that feels  end-       redeeming  us,  and  making  known  to  us
            less,  situations  that  appear  hopeless,  or     the  mystery  of   your  will  according  to
            waiting  that  seems  unbearable.  We  may         your good pleasure. Thank you for bless-
            endure moments when the odds against us            ing us with every spiritual blessing. Help
            are  stacked  high  and  wide.  We  may  not       my Sorors and me to walk in the fullness
            experience the healing we long for as we           of  what Christ did for us. In the mighty,
            continue  trusting  Christ.  But  even  then,      name of  Jesus, The Christ, Amen!
            Jesus invites us to keep reaching for Him,
            to trust Him and never give up hope, and
            to believe He is always able, always trust-

            worthy, and always within reach.
             Take a minute to think about what Jesus
            has done for us. He hung on a cross, nails
            in  His  hands  and  feet,  bleeding,  mocked,
            and despised of  men, to pay for our sins.
            He  did  it  all  for  us  because  He  loves  us

            with a passion. He did it hoping to win our  NOTE: The Chaplain’s Council is here for
            love. When He won our heart, He gave us  you. We are praying for you and with you.
            His  name,  His  Word,  His  authority,  His  We  invite  you  to  join  us  on  the  third
            mind,  His  eternal  life,  and  His  Spirit.  Wednesday  of   the  month  at  6:00  –
            There’s nothing Jesus would not do for us.  6:15A.M.,  for  the  “What  happens  when
             Romans  3:25-26  MSG  reminds  us,  God  Sisters pray”  prayer call.    It is a time  of
            sacrificed Jesus on the altar of  the world  devotion, prayer, and refreshing for a new
            to clear that world of  sin. Having faith in  day. Connect with us as we bombard Heav-
            Him sets us in the clear. God decided on  en  on  behalf   of   others,  our  community,
            this  course  of   action  in  full  view  of   the  our  chapter,  our  Sorority,  each  other  and
            public—to set the world in the clear with  ourselves. Remember, God hears us when
            Himself  through the sacrifice of  Jesus, fi- we pray.
            nally taking care of  the sins he had so pa-
            tiently endured. This is not only clear, but              2020 PRAYER CALL DATES:
            it is now—this is current history! God sets             March 18th, April 15th, May 13th
            things right. He also makes it possible for                  Prayer Line: 515.603.4901
            us to live in His rightness.                                Participant Code: 759781#
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