Page 4 - Torch - March 2020
P. 4

Spotlight on Sorors

                                                   Soror  Catherine  Coleman  Flowers,  Founder  of  Center
                                                   for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice, was re-
                                                   cently  featured  on  Alabama  News  Network’s  “Making
                                                   History Today” for dedicated efforts for environmental

                                                   justice.  Soror Coleman’s organization seeks to address
                                                   the root causes of poverty by seeking sustainable solu-
                                                   tions.  She serves as the Rural Development Manager
                                                   for the Equal Justice Initiative.

                                                   Soror Flowers is an internationally recognized advocate
                                                   for  the  human  right  to  water  and  sanitation,  and  she

                                                   works to make the UN Sustainable Development Agen-
                                                   da accountable to frontline communities.

                                                   Soror Cassandra E. Brown, Chapter President, was recent-

                                                   ly featured on Alabama News Network’s “Making History
                                                   Today” for her efforts to make a difference in the lives of
                                                   others by serving as a public servant to the local commu-
                                                   nity.    As  an  individual  and  with  organizations,  Soror
                                                   Brown  has  mentored  and  tutored  hundreds  of  youth  in

                                                   the Montgomery area.  She as a passion for youth and has
                                                   served as the President of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Ad-
                                                   visory Council and is a current member of the Board of
                                                   Directors for the Montgomery City-County Library Board.

                                                   Soror  Brown  was  recently  elected  to  the  Montgomery
                                                   County School Board to serve District 4.
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