Page 23 - e-modul kelas 8 Bahasa Inggris_Widi Ardyarini
P. 23

Petunjuk Kerja :

            Bacalah kembali materi tentang teks fungsional Notice dan

            kerjakan sesuai dengan intruksi soal. Kumpulkan jawaban

            di nomor WA guru bahasa Inggris kalian.

            A.  Choose the best answer!

            1.           PLEASE KEEP THE DOOR
                  The notice means …
            A.  We are not allowed to let the door open all time
            B.  We are prohibited to enter the room

            C.  We have to take another door to enter the room
            D.  We are not permitted to open the door

                   In Emergency push      switch

                   to shut down laser
                          The text means that we …
                We …. turn off the laser in emergency.

                A.      Are not allowed to
                B.      Are forbidden to

                C.      Have to
                D.      May

                           Please check in your baggage one hour before
                                         boarding time

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