Page 26 - e-modul kelas 8 Bahasa Inggris_Widi Ardyarini
P. 26


               Setelah tuntas mempelajari  materi tentang teks fungsional

               notice, maka untuk menguji kompetensi kalian kerjakanlan

               soal berikut ini dengan memilih jawaban yang paling benar.

               Choose the right answer!
                1.  The notice means that we … close something tightly

                    and keep it in a cool place.
                    A.  May                                C. are not allowed to

                    B.  Should                  D. are prohibited to

                            THANK YOU FOR NOT SMOKING

                     What is the purpose of the text?

                      A. To ask people not to smoke in the room
                      B. To prohibit smoking people to enter the room

                      C. To  express  gratitude  to  people  who  do  not  buy

                      D. To ask people to be in the room if they want to


                 3.          PASSING THROUGH THE RED LIGHT IS VERY

                       What is the notice about?

                                W i d i   A r d y a r i n i ,   S . P d . , M . P d . |  19
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