P. 17

The gift of life                                             POEM

          Waking up every morning
                                                              Happiness is a choice
          That is a gift
                                                              Yeah, really it's a choice
          The air we breathe
          That is a gift                                      Big or small

          That we are able to see and hear
                                                              Long term or short term
          That is a gift
                                                              It's a feeling of joy
          The Gift Of Life

          It is not a given that we wake up every             It's helps me enjoy my life
                                                              It reminds me I am not empty
          Many go to sleep and never wake up
                                                              There's happiness around me
          It is not a given that we breathe
          Some are using oxygen machines                      It's like my bestfriend
          It is not a given that we walk on two feet          No matter if we are apart
          Some are on wheel chairs .
                                                              But always together in heart
          All these are gifts
          All these are by GOD'S grace.                       The secret of happiness
          Let all  treasure the gift of life                  is to admire without desiring
          Let none take it for granted
                                                              Happiness will never come to those
          We know not what tomorrow holds
          We know not what the future holds                   who  fail  to  appreciate  what  they
          Let's honour those ee love                          already have

          Let's show them that love
                                                              You need nothing to be happy,
          They may not wake up tomorrow
          The gift of life is taken away at anytime.          You need something to be sad…
          The gift of life is withdrawn at time.

                          Vanya Pandey                                       Anushree Rathore
                           Class- IV - A                                       Class- IX - “A”
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