P. 22


           1. What can full a room but takes up no space?
           Ans. LIGHT
           2 . What is always in front of you but can't be seen?

           Ans. THE FUTURE
           3. People make me , save me, change me raise me, Who am I?
           Ans. MONEY
           4. What gose up but never comes done?
           Ans. YOUR AGE
           5. I am tall when I am young and I am short when I am old who am i ?
           Ans. CANDLE                                                                 Aakansha Sahu
           6.What is so fragile that saying its name break it?                           Class - V -  D
           Ans. SILENCE
           7. I have lakes with no water mountains with no stone and cities with no building who am i ?
           Ans. MAP

                              Can Achieve Anything
            "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can

            achieve" -Napoleon Hill
            Whenever you ask someone for advice, you must have heard
            them  say,  believe  in  yourself,  listen  to  your  heart,  think
            positive. What do you think these phrases mean? What they are
            trying to say is that it is us that make things happen, it is our
            thoughts and our hard work that decides how our future would

            The path of success may have hurdles, but to overcome them we
                                                                                          Srishti Arora
            need  to  give  ourselves  Time,  we  need  to  take  care  of  our
                                                                                        Class - VIII -  A
            Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health. It may be
            Stress,  Anxiety,  Depression  or  even  Overthinking  that  is
            playing the role of a barrier between you and your future goal.

            Speaking of goals, it is important to set goals in your life, starting with short term
            goals, you could make a To-Do list for the day and challenge yourself to complete by
            the end of the day, you would notice that how productively your day went by, after
            this you could set a long-term goal, it may be scoring above certain percentage in
            exams or setting an ultimate goal for your career.
            Lastly, consider how accomplishing your goal, will improve your life. List as many
            ways as you can think of because the more reasons you'll have, the more you'll want it.
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