P. 26

TONGUE TWISTER                                            JOKES

              1. Pass the pickles please, Paul                   Pappu- When will the Punjab Express
              2. A sailor went to the sea to
                                                            TT-5 o'clock.
              See what he could see.Amd all
              He could see was sea,sea,sea.                 TT-9 o'clock.
              3.Chester Cheetah chewed a                    PAPPU-Goods Train?

              Chun of cheap cheddar cheese.                 TT-1 o'clock,but where do you want to
              If the chunk of cheese chunked                go?
                                                            PAPPU-Nowhere,I just need to take a
              Chester cheetah, what would
                                                            sele on the track.
              Chester cheetah chew and
              Chunk on?
                                                            AMY-“My  dad  says  the  price  of

                                                            food,clothes,everything  is  going  up.He
                                                            says  he'd  like  to  see  something  going
                     AMAZING FACTS
              There  is  a  tree  called  the  Idiot
                                                            Rammy-Would  you  like  to  show  him
              Fruit,that  grows  in  Australia's            your report card?

              Daintree rainforest.                          Amy faints!

              The  human  nose  can  detect  and
                                                            INTERVIWER-Introduce yourself?
              recognise  three  trillion  different
                                                            BOY-My Father's name is laughing.
                                                            BOY-My Mother's name is smiling.
              Pineapples take two years to grow.
                                                            INTERVIWER-Are you kidding?
              The sunset on MARS appears blue.              BOY-No,he  is  my  cousin,and  I'm

              Your nose gets warmer when you lie.           Joking.
              When  you  blush  your  stomach

              blushes too.

              A  dog  can  make  about  100  facial
                                                                                     Mann Sparsh Goyal
              Ice  cream  was  once  called  “cream                                      Class - VII - D

              The Mona lisa has no eyebrows.
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