Page 10 - Litchfield Park Recreation Center June 2018 - March 2019 Activity Guide
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Basketball Classes & Camps                              Winter Break Camp                                                 Lagartos Summer Swim Team

                                                                 Winter Break Camp is brought to you by Litchfield Park and
         Conducted by Right Touch Athletics                      Right Touch Basketball. It is a one week camp that will teach     Registration for the 2018 Lagartos Summer Swim Team will begin on Saturday, April 16, 2018 and end Sunday, June 22,
                                                                                                                                   2018. The Lagartos swim team is a summer recreational league with swim coaches that are dedicated to the participants learning
         Basketball 101/102                                      the foundation, footwork, & skills of multiple sports. Campers    all four strokes (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle), building their endurance, and swimming skills in a fun, low
                                                                 will have an opportunity to learn about nutrition and
         This is a five-week class for children between the ages of 5   participate in a recreational atmosphere in sports like    stress, and safe environment! Participants will make new friends and be introduced to the competitive swimming world all while
                                                                                                                                   improving their swimming skills. Lagartos is designed for children 5-18 years of age. R=Resident NR=Non-resident
         and 9. Participants will be taught the fundamentals of the   Basketball, Dodge Ball, Flag Football, and much more.
         game of basketball with an emphasis on Footwork, Defense,                                                                 Fees:  First child:   $69R/$74NR    Third Child:   $54R/$59NR                       Lagartos Season Events
         Basketball Positioning & Court Awareness. All training will be   For more information on this camp, please email Kwame           Second child:   $59R/$64NR   Fourth Child:   $49R/$54NR                           PARENTS MEETING:
         provided by former NBA and College athletes.            Hymes at Kwame is the owner/
                                                                 operator of Right Touch Basketball Training & Development.                                                                                               Saturday, May 12, 10am
         For more information, email Kwame Hymes, Owner/Operator                                                                   Swim Team Requirements                                                                  Saturday, June 2, 10am
         of Right Touch Basketball Training & Development at      Barcode   Days    Start    End    Time   Age  Fees                                                                                                                Fundraiser: R=Resident  NR=Non-resident         6832   M,W, TH,F  *12/31/18  1/4/19   8am-4pm  5-13  $76        Participants MUST be able to swim one lap of the pool                                 Saturday, May 19, 4-8pm
                                                                                                                                   (25 yards) unassisted. The age group the participant
         Barcode  Day  Start  End   Time   Location   Fees                                                                         will swim in is determined by participation in other                                     Chipolte Mexican Grille
                                                                 *No class January 1 in observation of New Years Day
                                                                                                                                   swim teams and age of the child as of June 1, 2018.                                     Friday, June 22, 4-8pm
           6824   Sat   *8/4  9/8   7:00-8:15pm   LPRC   $67R/$69NR
                                                                                                                                   If the child has participated in any swimming                                                       Yogurtini
           6825   Sat   9/22  10/20  6:00-7:15pm   LPRC   $67R/$69NR                                                               team/club outside the Mar West League from                                                    PICTURE DAY:
                                                                                                 Spring Break Camp                 August 1, 2017-May 1, 2018, the child MUST
           6826   Sat  *11/3  12/8  6:00-7:15pm   LPRC   $67R/$69NR                                                                compete one age group above their age on                                                    To be announced
                                                                                        Litchfield Park Spring Break Camp          June 1 of the current year due to league                              Please wear team suits or suits similar in color
           6827   Sat   1/12   2/9   6:00-7:15pm   LPRC   $67R/$69NR                  is offered by Right Touch Basketball.                                                                                to team suits. T-shirts are not permitted in
                                                                                     Designed to help young athletes learn         regulations. *An exception is made for swimmers                                                  the pictures.
           6828   Sat   2/23   3/23  6:00-7:15pm   LPRC   $67R/$69NR                                                               8 years and under, and 15 years and older
                                                                                      all of the fundamentals in a positive,                                                                                      END OF THE SEASON BANQUET:
           6829   Sat   4/6   5/4   6:00-7:15pm   LPRC   $67R/$69NR                     accomplished atmosphere with no            AFTER SCHOOL SCHEDULE                                                                 Saturday, July 28, 6-9pm
                                                                                      pressure or fear of making mistakes!
         *No class September 1 in observation of Labor Day                                                                         The after school practices are included in the team registration fee.            Litchfield Park Recreation Center
         *No class November 24 in observation of Thanksgiving                     Spring Break Camp is a great confidence
                                                                                  and skill builder for young players. This is         Ages     Days    Start   End       Times                                         LAGARTOS SWIM SUITS:
                                                                                 a one week camp, providing  individualized                                                                    Wednesday, May 30 & Wednesday, June 6, 6:30-10:30am
         Fall Break Camp                                                          instruction & attention; level skill building      6 & Under   M-TH   5/14   5/24     4:30-5:00pm          on the pool deck during practice. The 2018 team suits will be
                                                                                (modified); basic fundamentals & foot work;            7-8       M-TH   5/14   5/24     5:00-5:45pm                 new this year and can be purchased through Ski Pro
         Litchfield Park Fall Break Camp is offered by Right Touch             shot (form & technique); speed & endurance.                                                                           602-955-3939, 2110 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix.
         Basketball. Designed to help young athletes learn all of the       For more information on this camp, please email            9-12      M-TH   5/14   5/24     5:45-6:30pm                        Our team colors are blue, black and green.
         fundamentals in a positive, accomplished atmosphere with no                                                                  13-18      M-TH   5/14   5/24     6:30-7:30pm                                                     Finals:
         pressure or fear of making mistakes! Fall Break Camp is a    Kwame Hymes at Kwame is                                                                            The end of the season Finals meet is by qualification only.
                                                                               the owner/operator of Right Touch Basketball
         great confidence and skill builder for young players. This is a                        Training & Development.            *NO Practice Wednesday, July 4
         one week camp, providing instruction on individualized                                                                                                                            LAGARTOS SWIM CLINIC
         instruction & attention; level skill building (modified); basic   Barcode   Days   Start   End   Time   Age   Fees        SEASON PRACTICE SCHEDULE                                Each clinic focuses on a specific skill. These clinics are NOT
         fundamentals & foot work; shot (form & technique); speed &                                                                                                                        included in the registration fee. Maximum participants is 25
         endurance.                                                6831   M-F  3/11/19  3/15/19   8am-4pm   5-13  $95               Barcode    Group   Days   Start   End    Time          per clinic R=Resident  NR=non-resident fees
                                                                                                                                      6708    6 & Under   M-TH  5/29  7/21  9:30-10:15am
         For more information on this camp, please email Kwame                                                                                                                              Barcode   Focus  Day  Start  Age   Time     Fee
         Hymes at Kwame is the owner/                                                                           6709      7-8    M-TH   5/29  7/21  8:45-9:30am        6596   Back/Free   Fri   6/1  4-18  8:30-9:30am  $11R/$13NR
         operator of Right Touch Basketball Training & Development.                                             6710      9-10   M-TH   5/29  7/21  8:00-8:45am
          Barcode  Days   Start   End    Time     Age  Fees                                                                           6711     11-12   M-TH   5/29  7/21  7:00-8:00am        6597   Butterfly  Fri   6/8  4-18  8:30-9:30am  $11R/$13NR
           6830   M-F   10/8   10/12    8am-4pm   5-13  $95                                                                           6712     13-14   M-TH   5/29  7/21  6:00-7:00am        6598    Diving   Fri   6/15  4-18  8:30-9:30am  $11R/$13NR
                                                                                                                                      6713    15 & Up   M-TH  5/29  7/21  6:00-7:00am        6599    Turns   Fri   6/22  9-18  8:30-9:30am  $11R/$13NR

          3 WAYS TO REGISTER                                               Litchfield Park                                         If a participant cannot attend a regular practice time, a   6600   Prep for  Fri   7/13  4-18  8:30-9:30am  $11R/$13NR
                                                                                                                                   5:30-6:00am practice is offered as an alternative.
              Online at, click on                       Park Rentals                                                         2018 LAGARTOS SWIM MEET SCHEDULE
                                                                                                                                                                   WARM-UP TIME
                                                                                                                                        DATE & MEET TIME
              “recreation registration”                                                                                            Thursday, June 7, 5:00pm      4:25-4:50pm         Goodyear  LOCATION         EVERYONE   GROUPS
                                                                                                                                   Thursday, June 14, 5:00pm     4:25-4:50pm         Tolleson                   EVERYONE
              Lobby at 100 S. Old Litchfield Road                    contact Pat McCoy at                                          Thursday, June 21, 5:00pm     4:25-4:50pm         Verrado                    EVERYONE
                                                                                                                                   Saturday, June 23, 8:00am
                                                                                                                                                                                     Litchfield Park
                                                                                                                                   Thursday, June 28, 5:00pm     7:00am              Goodyear                   10 & Under Meet
               Telephone 623-935-9040
                                                                                               Saturday, June 30, 8:00am     6:30am              Buckeye                    11 & Over Meet
                                                                                                                                                                                     Litchfield Park
                                                                                                                                   Thursday, July 12, 5:00pm
                                                                                                                                                                       The following are by qualification ONLY   11 & Over League Championships
                                                                            623-935-9040                                           Thursday, July 19, 6:00pm     3:30pm              YMCA                       INVITATION ONLY
                                                                                                                                   Saturday, July 21, 9:00am     7:30am              YMCA                       10 & Under League Championships
                                                                                                                                                                                                                INVITATION ONLY
          10                                         623-935-9040                                                                                   Register online at                                                 3
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