Page 6 - Litchfield Park Recreation Center June 2018 - March 2019 Activity Guide
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Aquatic Summer Special Events                                                                                             Summer Basketball League

                                                                                                                                   This league is for ages 12 to 14 years. Your coach must
         Summer Family Nights                                                                                                      register you with his/her team. We will be accepting 8 teams
                                                                                                                                   with a minimum of 5 players and a maximum of 10 players.  Fall Youth Sports Registration: July 16 – August 27, 2018
         Join us at the Recreation Center Pool for monthly family nights                                                           Price per team, per session is $750.                    Fall programs include co-ed basketball, co-ed flag football and
         hosted by our fantastic lifeguards. Each themed event
         includes swimming, games and activities, music and dancing,                                                               Coaches must register in person to complete the team roster   co-ed youth tee ball. Register for the age that your child will
                                                                                                                                                                                           be on the first game day of the season. Game times will be
         and great giveaways!                                    Just Play Summer Camp for kids ages 6 through 13                  packet, which includes the team roster, uniform order and
                                                                                                                                   coaching application. Payment is also due at that time. Once  determined at the conclusion of the registration period.
         Event admission is $3 per person or enter the event with a   This is the perfect way to spend the summer; coaching        the team roster packet has been handed in there will be NO   Practice times / locations will not be known until after the
         valid membership pass. Kids 3 years and under are free.   basketball skills, multi-sport games, swimming and movies, as   roster changes without a medical statement from a physician  mandatory coaches’ meeting. All games are played on
         Questions? Access our aquatic special events online at   well as building new friendships. We accept 50 campers.          and approval from the Youth Sports Coordinator.         Saturdays.  Every team is responsible for scheduling their, call 623-935-9040 or visit us at      Camp will be held at Litchfield Elementary School and          There will be one indoor half court practice a week either on a   own practice times / days. The City of Litchfield Park does not
         100 S. Old Litchfield Rd., Litchfield Park.             Litchfield Park Recreation Center. Campers registered in LPRC     Monday or Wednesday starting at 6 or 7pm. Coaches will  schedule practice times for teams in this league, therefore,
                                                                                                                                                                                           practice times / locations cannot be guaranteed at the time
                                                                 activities will be walked across the street by a camp counselor   choose the day and time. These are half court practices only.   of registration.
                                                                 to attend those activity.                                         All games will be played on Tuesday and Thursday at 5, 6, 7,
         Date:   Friday, June 15, 2018                           The first week camp fee is due at time of registration, a $20     or 8pm.                                                 Youth Basketball Leagues
         Theme:  “Calling All Superheroes!”                      non-refundable deposit is required on additional weeks to          Session 1             Barcode: 6604
                Dress up as your favorite                        reserve a camper’s space. Online registration is not available     Registration          April 23—May 29, 2018            The co-ed youth basketball leagues are for children between
                Superhero!                                       for Just Play Summer Camp. For additional details contact                                                                 the ages of 4 and 14. Participants will play a 7 game
         Time:   6:00pm – 8:30pm                                 Kwame Hymes at                               Coaches Meeting       June 2, 2018, 9am at the         minimum, receive a game uniform and end of the season
                                                                                                                                                          Litchfield Park Recreation Center
                                                                 Camp weekly fee: resident $142; non-resident: $171.                                                                       awards. Registrations received August 21 through August 27
         Date:   Friday, July 27, 2018                           Early drop off and late pick up are available for an additional    Practices/Games       Litchfield Elementary School Gym   will be assessed an additional $10 registration fee. Fees
         Theme:  “Greased Lightning”                             $25 per week. Early drop off is at 7:00am and late pick up is      First Game            June 7, 2018                     include a mandatory jersey fee.
                Enjoy a 50s themed night                         at 6:00pm.                                                         Last Game             June 28, 2018
         Time:   6:00pm—8:30pm                                                                                                                                                             R=Resident  NR=non-resident fees
                                                                 *Food and field trips will not be provided this summer.
                                                                                                                                    Session 2            Barcode: 6605
         Date:   Saturday, August 25, 2018                       *Camp will not be held on Wednesday, July 4, 2018                                                                         Itty Bitty Division: 4 and 5 years of age
         Theme:  “Flick n Float”                                                                                                    Registration         June 4—July 9, 2018                Barcode  Day   Start   End  Ages  Location   Fees
                Moana movie night                                Barcode   Days   Start  End   Time   Ages  Location                Coaches Meeting      July 14, 2017, 9am at the
         Time:   7:00pm—9:00pm                                     6474    M-F    6/4   6/8  8am-5pm  6-13  LES/LPRC                                     Litchfield Park Recreation Center   6795   Sat   9/29/18  11/10/18  4 & 5   WS   $64R/$85NR
                                                                                                                                    Practices/Games      Litchfield Elementary School Gym
                                                                   6475    M-F    6/11   6/15  8am-5pm  6-13  LES/LPRC
         July 4th Fireworks, Wigwam Resort                                                                                                               Wigwam Creek Middle School Gym    Dribbler Division: 6 and 7 years of age
                                                                   6476    M-F    6/18   6/22  8am-5pm  6-13  LES/LPRC              First Game           July 19,2018
         The Wigwam will host the Red, White and BOOM! fireworks                                                                    Last Game            August 9, 2018                     Barcode  Day   Start   End  Ages  Location   Fees
         on the first fairway of the Patriots Golf Course. The gates open   6477   M-F  6/25   6/29  8am-5pm  6-13  LES/LPRC
         to the public at 6pm and fireworks are scheduled for                                                                                                                                6796   Sat   9/29/18  11/10/18  6 & 7   WS   $64R/$85NR
         approximately 9pm. Complimentary admission to the         6478   M/T/Th/F  7/2   7/6  8am-5pm  6-13  LES/LPRC              Location Key
         fireworks show! A variety of food and drink vendors will be   6479   M-F  7/9   7/13  8am-5pm  6-13  LES/LPRC                                                                     Rookie Division: 8 and 9 years of age
         available to guests who wish to purchase food and drinks.
         The event, Wednesday, July 4, 2018, includes a live DJ and a   6480   M-F  7/16   7/20  8am-5pm  6-13  LES/LPRC            AP    Aleppo Park         940 W. Village Parkway        Barcode  Day   Start   End  Ages  Location   Fees
         Kids Zone with bounce houses and water slides. Bring your   6481   M-F   7/23   7/27  8am-5pm  6-13  LES/LPRC                                        Litchfield Park  AZ 85340      6797   Sat   9/29/18  11/10/18  8 & 9   WC/LES   $64R/$85NR
         chairs, blankets & beach towels! For more information                                                                                                1185 Villa Nueva Drive
         concerning the fireworks and other Wigwam events for the                                                                   CP    Camelback Park      Litchfield Park  AZ 85340
         holiday call 623-935-3811.                                                                                                                                                        Junior Division: 10 & 11 years of age
         Additional information available online at              Challenger Sports Soccer Camp                                      LES   Litchfield Elementary   255 E. Wigwam Blvd.       Barcode  Day   Start   End  Ages   Location   Fees                                                                                                            School              Litchfield Park AZ 85340
                                                                 Players will learn the Challenger way. Each camp will feature                                                               6793   Sat  9/29/18 11/10/18  10 & 11   LES   $64R/$85NR
                                                                 the 1,000 Touches Curriculum packed with drills and practice       LPRC  Litchfield Park     100 S. Old Litchfield Road
         JULY 4 “SPLASH BASH”                                    designed to improve individual ball control, foot skills, fakes,         Recreation Center   Litchfield Park  AZ 85340    Senior Division: 12 to 14 years of age
                                                                 moves, juggling, and core techniques! Held at Staggs Park,
                                                                 300 S. Old Litchfield Rd., Litchfield Park. Online registration is   MP   Memorial Park      Southeast corner of Wigwam Blvd   Barcode  Day   Start   End  Ages  Location   Fees
                                                                                                                                                              & Old Litchfield Road
                                                                 available at
                                                                                                                                                              203 W. Fairway Drive           6794   Sat  9/29/18 11/10/18  12-14  WC   $64R/$85NR
                                                                 Challenger Sports contact: Oli Sharp                               ScP   Scout Park          Litchfield Park AZ 85340
                                                        or 760-536-4468
                                                                                                                                                              300 S. Old Litchfield Road
                                                                 Litchfield Park contact: Pat McCoy                                 SP    Staggs Park                                      2018 Fall Youth Basketball Schedule
                                                        or 623-935-9040                                                   Litchfield Park  AZ 85340
                                                                 Register online before April 20,2018 to receive a FREE replica     TP    Turtle Park         675 Villa Nueva Drive         DATE                 EVENT TITLE
                                                                 jersey.                                                                                      Litchfield Park  AZ 85340     Saturday, September 8   Basketball Coaches’ Meeting
                                                                                                                                                              301 S. Old Litchfield Rd.     Saturday, September 29   First Game Day
                                                                    Session 1   Ages     Time      Start   End   Fees               TVLP  Tierra Verde Lake Park                            Saturday, October 6   Second Game Day
                                                                                                                                                              Litchfield Park AZ 85340
                                                                                                                                                                                            Saturday, October  13   Third Game Day
         July 4th from 10am-5pm                                     First Kicks   3-4    8-9am     6/4    6/8   $85                 WCMS   Wigwam Creek Middle   4510 N. 127 th  Avenue     Saturday, October 20   Fourth Game Day
         Litchfield Park Recreation Center  · 623-935-9040          Mini Soccer   5-6  9:30-11am   6/4    6/8   $95                       School              Litchfield Park AZ 85340      Saturday, October 227   Fifth Game Day
         Food, games & fun  $2 per person / valid pass holder        Half Day   6-16    8-11am     6/4    6/8   $130                WSMS   Western Sky Middle   4095 N. 144  Avenue         Saturday, November 3   Sixth Game Day
                                                                                                                                                              Goodyear  AZ 85395
                                                                                                                                                                                            Saturday, November 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Seventh Game Day
          6                                         623-935-9040                                                                                      Register online at                                               7
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