Page 2 - Preschool Newsletter October 2018
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Important Dates                                            Teacher’s Corner

     Monday, October 8–Friday, October 12                       Children and Sleep
        Fall Break, no school                                   Sleep is a vital need that is essential to a child’s
     Monday, October 15                                         health and growth. Sleep promotes alertness, memory
        November tuition due                                    and performance. Children who get enough sleep are
                                                                more likely to function better and are less prone to
     Tuesday, October 30 & Wednesday, October 31                behavioral problems and moodiness. That is why it is
        Fall Festival                                           important for parents to start early and help their
     Friday, November 2                                         children develop good sleep habits.
        Picture Day for ALL students
                                                                How much sleep should my child get? Each child is
     Weekly Themes                                              different and has different sleep needs. This chart
                                                                presents recommended hours of sleep that includes
                                                                naps for children up to five years of age.
     October 1-5
        Numbers                                                 How Much Sleep Should My Child Get?
        Letter of the week: A. a                                Age                  Hours of Sleep
     October 8-12                                               0-2 months           10.5-18
        Fall Break, no school                                   2-12 months          14-15
     October 15-19                                              1-3 years            12-14
        Falling into Colors                                     3-5 years            11-13
        Letter of the week: B, b                                5-12 years           10-11
     October 22-26
        Days of the Week, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”         Children Need and Thrive on a Routine
        Letter of the week: C, c                                The #1 tip for good sleeping habits in children is to
     October 29-November 2                                      follow a nightly routine. A bedtime ritual makes it
                                                                easier for your child to relax, fall asleep and sleep
        Shape, Shape, Shapes                                    through the night.
        Letter of the week: D, d
     Spirit / Show & Tell                                       Typical Bedtime Routine
                                                                1. Have a light snack.
                                                                2. Take a bath.
     October 3 and 4                                            3. Put on pajamas.
        Student’s Choice
     October 10 and 11                                          4. Brush teeth.
        Fall Break, no school                                   5. Read a story.
     October 17 and 18                                          6. Make sure the room is quiet and
       No Show & Tell                                              at a comfortable  temperature.
     October 24 and 25                                          7. Put your child to bed.
        Bring in something interesting from nature, like a      8. Say goodnight and leave.
        shell, pine cone, leaf, flower, rock, or fossil.
     October 31 and November 1                                  Helpful Tips
        No Show & Tell                                            Make bedtime the same time every night.
     Contact Information                                          Make bedtime a positive and relaxing experience
                                                                   without TV or videos. According to one recent
                                                                   study, TV viewing prior to bed can lead to difficulty
      Ms. Seye White                                               falling and staying asleep. Save your child’s
      Litchfield Park Preschool                                    favorite relaxing, non-stimulating activities until
      100 S Old Litchfield Rd.                                     last and have them occur in the child’s bedroom.
      Litchfield Park Arizona                                     Keep the bedtime environment (e.g. light,
      623-935-9040                                                 temperature) the same all night long.                                Source: National Sleep Foundation,
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