Page 10 - Litchfield Park Recreation Center 2019-20 Activity Guide
P. 10
Youth Soccer League Lagartos Summer Swim Team
This league will play games on Saturdays Registration for the 2019 Lagartos Summer Swim Team will begin on Monday, March 11, 2019 and end Friday, June 21,
only. Each team will hold one practice 2019. The Lagartos swim team is a summer recreational league with swim coaches that are dedicated to the participants learning
Spring Registration: January 6– February 18 during the week that will be scheduled all four strokes (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle), building their endurance, and swimming skills in a fun, low
Spring programs include co-ed youth basketball and co- by the volunteer head coach. The stress, and safe environment! Participants will make new friends and be introduced to the competitive swimming world all while
ed youth soccer. Register for the age that your child will City of Litchfield Park does not assign improving their swimming skills. Lagartos is designed for children 4-18 years of age. R=Resident NR=Non-resident
be on the first game day of the season. Game times practices for teams. All practices will Fees: First child: $69R/$74NR Third Child: $54R/$59NR
will be determined at the conclusion of the registration be held outdoors. All games will be Lagartos Season Events
period. All games are played on Saturdays. Practice played at Turtle Park, Second child: $59R/$64NR Fourth Child: $49R/$54NR PARENTS MEETING:
times/locations will not be known until after the Scout Park, Staggs Park, Swim Team Requirements Saturday, June 1, 9-9:30am
mandatory coaches’ meeting. Every team is responsible Aleppo Park, or
for scheduling their own practice times/days. The City of Camelback Park. Participants MUST be able to swim one lap of the pool Fundraiser:
Litchfield Park does not schedule practice times for R=Resident NR=Non-resident (25 yards) unassisted. The age group the participant Saturday, June 1, 5-9pm
teams in this league; practice times/locations cannot will swim in is determined by participation in other Chipolte Mexican Grille
be guaranteed at the time of registration. Soccer Under 6 swim teams and age of the child as of June 1, 2019. Thursday, June 20, 4-8pm
Barcode Day Start End Ages Location Fees If the child has participated in any swimming Yogurtini
team/club outside the Mar West League from
Youth Basketball Leagues 7179 Sat 3/28/20 5/9/20 4 & 5 TP/ScP $76R/$95NR August 1, 2018-May 1, 2019, the child MUST Wednesday, May 29 & Wednesday, June 5,
compete one age group above their age on
The co-ed youth basketball leagues are for children between Soccer Under 8 June 1 of the current year due to league 6:30-10am on the pool deck during practice.
The 2019 team suits can be purchased
regulations. *An exception is made for swimmers
the ages of 4 and 14. Participants will play a 7 game Barcode Day Start End Ages Location Fees 8 years and under, and 15 years and older through Ski Pro 602-955-3939,
minimum, receive a game uniform and end of the season 2110 E. Camelback Road, Phoenix.
awards. Fees include a mandatory jersey. Effective July 7180 Sat 3/28/20 5/9/20 6 & 7 SP $76R/$95NR AFTER SCHOOL PRACTICE SCHEDULE Our team colors are blue, black and green.
15, 2019 LPRC will not be offering a reversible jersey
discount. Customers will be required to purchase a jersey Soccer Under 10 The after school practices are included in the team registration fee. PICTURE DAY:
every season. Barcode Day Start End Ages Location Fees Ages Days Start End Times Thursday, June 6, 7am
6 & Under M-TH 5/13 5/23 4:30-5pm Please wear team suits or suits similar in color to team suits.
R=Resident NR=Non-resident 7181 Sat 3/28/20 5/9/20 8 & 9 AP $76R/$95NR T-shirts are not permitted in the pictures. There will be
7-8 M-TH 5/13 5/23 5-5:45pm END OF THE SEASON BANQUET:
Itty Bitty Division: 4 and 5 years of age Soccer Under 12 9-12 M-TH 5/13 5/23 5:45-6:30pm Sunday, July 21, 6-9pm
Barcode Day Start End Ages Location Fees Barcode Day Start End Ages Location Fees 13-18 M-TH 5/13 5/23 6:30-7:15pm Private pool party & pot-luck at the LPRC Pool
7174 Sat 3/28/20 5/9/20 4 & 5 WS $76R/$95NR 7182 Sat 3/28/20 5/9/20 10-12 AP/CP $76R/$95NR Finals:
SEASON PRACTICE SCHEDULE The end of the season Finals meet is by qualification only.
Dribbler Division: 6 and 7 years of age 2020 Spring Youth Soccer Schedule
Barcode Group Days Start End Time
Barcode Day Start End Ages Location Fees DATE EVENT TITLE LAGARTOS SWIM CLINIC
6965 6 & Under M-TH 5/28 7/20 9-9:45am
7175 Sat 3/28/20 5/9/20 6 & 7 WS $76R/$95NR Saturday, February 29, 2020 Soccer Coaches’ Meeting Each clinic focuses on a specific skill. These clinics are NOT
6966 7-8 M-TH 5/28 7/20 8:15-9am included in the registration fee. Maximum of 30 participants
Saturday, March 28, 2020 First Game Day
Rookie Division: 8 and 9 years of age Saturday, April 4, 2020 Second Game Day 6967 9-10 M-TH 5/28 7/20 7:30-8:15am per clinic R=Resident NR=non-resident fees
Barcode Day Start End Ages Location Fees Saturday, April 11, 2020 Third Game Day 6968 11-12 M-TH 5/28 7/20 6:45-7:30am Barcode Focus Day Start Age Time Fee
7176 Sat 3/28/20 5/9/20 8 & 9 WC/LES $76R/$95NR Saturday, April 18, 2020 Fourth Game Day 6969 13-14 M-TH 5/28 7/20 6-6:45am 6971 Back/Free Fri 5/31 4-18 8:30-9:30am $11R/$13NR
Saturday, April 25, 2020 Fifth Game Day Breast/
Junior Division: 10 & 11 years of age Saturday, May 2, 2020 Sixth Game Day 6970 15 & Up M-TH 5/28 7/20 6-6:45am 6972 Butterfly Fri 6/7 4-18 8:30-9:30am $11R/$13NR
Barcode Day Start End Ages Location Fees Saturday, May 9, 2020 Seventh Game Day *NO Practice Thursday, July 4 6973 Diving Fri 6/14 4-18 8:30-9:30am $11R/$13NR
If a participant cannot attend a regular practice time, a
7177 Sat 3/28/20 5/9/20 10 & 11 LES $76R/$95NR 3 WAYS TO REGISTER 5:30-6:00am practice is offered as an alternative. 6974 Turns Fri 6/21 9-18 8:30-9:30am $11R/$13NR
Senior Division: 12 to 14 years of age 2019 LAGARTOS SWIM MEET SCHEDULE
Online at, click on
Barcode Day Start End Ages Location Fees
7178 Sat 3/28/20 5/9/20 12-14 WC $76R/$95NR DATE & MEET TIME WARM-UP TIME LOCATION GROUPS
“recreation registration” Thursday, June 6, 5pm 4-4:25pm Litchfield Park EVERYONE
2020 Spring Youth Basketball Schedule Thursday, June 13, 5pm 4-4:25pm Buckeye EVERYONE
DATE EVENT TITLE Lobby at 100 S. Old Litchfield Road Thursday, June 20, 5pm 4-4:25pm Litchfield Park EVERYONE
Saturday, February 29, 2020 Basketball Coaches’ Meeting Saturday, June 22, 8am 7am Goodyear 10 & Under Meet
Thursday, June 27, 5pm
Saturday, March 28, 2020 First Game Day Telephone 623-935-9040 Saturday, June 29, 8am 6:30am Buckeye 11 & Over Meet
Saturday, April 4, 2020 Second Game Day Thursday, July 11, 5pm 4-4:25pm Litchfield Park EVERYONE
Saturday, April 11, 2020 Third Game Day The following are by qualification ONLY
Saturday, April 18, 2020 Fourth Game Day 11 & Over League Championships
Saturday, April 25, 2020 Fifth Game Day Thursday, July 18, 6pm 3:30pm YMCA INVITATION ONLY
Saturday, May 2, 2020 Sixth Game Day 10 & Under League Championships
Saturday, May 9, 2020 Seventh Game Day Saturday, July 20, 9am 7:30am YMCA INVITATION ONLY
10 623-935-9040 Register online at 3